Friday, July 13, 2007

Prophetic Prayers in Intercession

Prophetic Prayers in Intercession

Elvis Iverson

Intercessors have a prophetic anointing in their prayer ministry unto the Lord, and you can have a prophetic anointing in your prayer life, for all shall prophesy. When you pray the Holy Spirit will lead by giving you prophecy, prophetic visions during your prayer time to apply in prayer and to see breakthrough. –(1 Cor. 14:31, Acts 2:17-18, Rom. 8:26-28)

Pray for a prophetic anointing for your prayer life, pray for prophetic intercession and prophetic prayers to be release in your prayer life. Your life could be filled with revelation, prophetic, visions, and insights. You begin by believing what I am saying, and pray for a prophetic anointing, the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to be poured upon your prayer life. –(Eph. 1:17-18)

Jesus wants our prayer life to be supernatural; you are not called to be religious, you are called to be supernatural in the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ our Lord. The Holy Spirit will lead through the written Word, apply Word Revelation during your prayer time, and He will give you prophetic insights and visions during your prayer time. –(Matt. 22:29, Eph. 6:17-18)

The Holy Spirit will give you prophecy to speak forth over others, cities, and nations during your prayer time. What does the Holy Spirit wants you to prophecy and see visions during your prayer time, for the reason when God speaks there is widow open up in heaven, that you could use by faith to release through prayer: victory, change and revival over others, and you could see prayers come to pass and prophecy come to pass. –(Hab. 2:1)

In your prayer time, when praying ask the Holy Spirit to lead you during your prayer time, ask Him to give you visions and prophecy to speak forth over others, cities and nations, when you pray speak the vision and the prophecy forth, and then you pray about it to come to pass. –(1 Cor. 14:3, 1 Tim. 2:1)

You can apply prophetic words, and prophecies that the Lord give you before prayer, or giving over your life, or what you heard from others and from prophets. We are to war and do battle with prophecy, with prophetic words over our life, to see the will of God in our life. –(1 Tim. 1:18)

How to pray prophetically during your prayer time:

1. Pray, war, and battle the prophecies that you heard before your prayer time, meaning pray prophesy, and pray the prophetic words and visions giving to you during your prayer time.
2. Ask the Father in Jesus name for a prophetic anointing upon your prayer life.
3. Ask the Father in Jesus name for prophecies to be giving to you, visions, and revelations during your prayer time.
4. Pray for an outpouring of the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation, and the Spirit of Prophecy upon your prayer life.
5. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you during your prayer time.
6. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to teach you how to pray everyday.
7. Pray in the Spirit, for praying in the Spirit will release prophecy, visions and dreams to your life.
8. Kept those things secret that the Lord gives you about others, and the others things the Lord gives you, use wisdom in what to share with others.
9. Be faithful with the few things God gives you and then more will come.
10. Give thanksgiving to the Lord for prophetic insights that He gives you.
11. Allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you.
12. Allow the Lord to speak to you.

Do you believe that the Lord will use you prophetically in your prayer time, and do you believe that the Lord will give your prayer life a prophetic anointing? If you believe, if you ask in faith, you will have! –(1 Thess. 5:16-22)

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