Friday, July 20, 2007

Will Your City Ever Repent?

Will Your City Ever Repent?

Elvis Iverson

The Lord wants to bring revivals and social transformations to your city, you must believe this, that He has plans for your city, that He cares about your city, and the people who live in your city. You must renew your mind to what is the will of the Lord for your city. Revival can come to every nation, every city, and every place, social transformation can come to every nation, every city, and every place, and revival will come to every city and every nation. –(Isa. 61:4)

The question here is will your city ever repent? The next question to ask what kind of repentance does God want for your city? Let’s pray and ask the Lord, let’s make intercession for your city. –(Acts 11:21,24,26)

God does not want judgment for your city! Yes there is redemptive judgment that could come, however, if it comes it will come to open doors, and bring many to Christ, for redemptive judgment does not come to destroy a city. There is hope for your city in Christ; we need to believe and to pray for our city. –(Jonah 4:9-11)

You must begin the process of leading your city to repentance; this process will lead to progressive steps leading to repentance, revival and social transformation for your city. This is a work of patience; through faith and patience your city will come to true repentance. –(Heb. 6:12)

In Luke 19 11-27 it talks about not only the Kingdom of God coming in Jerusalem, instead the Kingdom of God coming to your city, we are to believe and establish the Kingdom of God in our cities.

We are to pray for blessings, prosperity and peace for our cities, if we seek and pray for these we will have these in our life in our city. –(Jer. 29:7)

We are to pray for the leaders of our city, spiritual leaders and government leaders, etc. we are to pray for all men, and all persons in authority, if we do this we will live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. –(1 Tim. 2:1-8)

If we want our city to come to repentance we first as a church in our city must come to true repentance, then the Lord will begin to heal our cities. –(2 Chron. 7:14)

We need to have an union between the church and the believers in the marketplace, we can pray all we want, but it is those in the heart of the city, which is the marketplace, that will bring and lead the city to social transformation, this is why our cities need apostles, prophets, city church apostles, and marketplace apostles, if your going to see what God will bring to your city, you will need these kinds of spiritual leaders in your city. –(Isa. 1:28)

The congregations need to come into unity, unity is just one of the steps, But it is going from pastoral unity to apostolic unity, the congregations of your city needs apostolic unity, meaning city church apostles leading a city church network, and establishing a city church center for 24/7 prayer. –(Isa. 56:7)

The process of leading your city to repentance, revival and social transformation:

1. Believers from more then one congregation need to gather for intercessory prayer every week.
2. We then need to hear what the prophets are saying about our city, and then pray about them. Prayer and hearing the prophets are first steps to citywide repentance.
3. Spiritual Mapping.
4. Identificational repentance.
5. Prayer walking and prayer journeys.
6. The arising of city church apostles.
7. The beginning of city church networks.
8. The establishment of city church centers.
9. The ministry of believers in the workplace.
10. The ministry of marketplace apostles.
11. The ministry of apostles and prophets.
12. Revival first in the city church, then the city.

The process of leading your city to repentance, revival and social transformation could take years or more, even beyond your life. There is a need for Territory Commitment in your heart for your city. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in leading your city to repentance, revival and social transformation, for it is the will of God for your city and all cities around the world in every nation. –(Rev. 21:24, 22:2)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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