Break up the Follow Ground
Elvis Iverson
September 16, 2007
I see a vision of angels coming and see pillars of fire and storms of fires, and wild fires coming with these angels, and these angels have rods and trumpets and they blow and say reformation, reformation, and reformation!
I see a vision of America and Europe and I see fires of reformation come forth from the hearts of reformers and the saints, and these fires of reformation flow like rushing rivers in the springtime throughout the church and the world.
I see a vision of seven lamps of burning fire, this first fire came reformation, the second fire came revival, the third fire came wealth revival, and the fourth fire came social transformation, the fifth fire came the healing of nations in restorations and progressions, the sixth fire came harvest, and the seventh fire came city church unity.
I hear the angels say break up the follow ground, before there could ever be harvest times, the ground must be dealt with through breaking up the follow ground, before there could be new harvest times, or harvest seasons, or harvest periods in history, there must be reformation, before greater harvest times can come.
The main events of human history begin with reformation and ends with harvest. New events always begin with reformation and end with harvest.
Break up the follow ground, reformation time is here, and seek the Lord, it is time to seek the Lord, outpouring of the Spirit of Supplication and the Spirit of Grace is upon us.
Sow for yourself righteousness, sow for yourself reformation, plant the seeds of reformation around the world, plant the seeds of reformation in your city, and plant the seeds of reformation in your nation, and plant the seeds of reformation in your heart.
Reap in mercy, revival is coming, revivals are coming, many revivals are coming, revival movements are coming, lasting revivals are coming, resting revivals are coming, and the revival life is coming!
It is time to seek the Lord! Until He comes and rains righteousness upon your cities and nations; He will bring social transformation, many social transformations, massive social transformation, and lasting social transformation, and the life of social transformation to the world.
· The Lord will bring to the church the reformation life!
· The Lord will bring to you the revival life!
· The Lord will bring to the world the social transformation life!
Can you not see the pattern being revealed today! –(Hosea 10:12)
1. Break up the follow ground, sow the seeds of righteousness: Reformation cometh!
2. Reap in mercy, seek the Lord: Revival cometh!
3. Rain righteousness: Social transformation cometh!
4. Continuum harvest life!
What will all these divine acts and faith acts do between reformation, revival and social transformation?
Harvest times, harvest times, harvest waves, massive harvest, rivers of harvest, continuum harvest, harvest of the messes, harvest of cities, harvest of nations, and Great Numbers Harvest!
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, new apostolic reformation, prophecy, revival, Supplication International Ministry, third reformation
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