Friday, October 19, 2007

Kingdom Come part two

Kingdom Come part two

Elvis Iverson
July 21, 2007

I see a vision from my heart, rivers of harvest, rivers of social transformation, rivers of revivals, and rivers of reformation flow from me. I see a vision of the church around the world; I see the church has a city around the world built upon the Kingdom of God. From the Throne and from the Kingdom of God flowed rivers of harvest, rivers of social transformation, rivers of revivals, and rivers of reformation.

I see rivers of social transformation begin to flow throughout the world from hearts of believers all over them world. The Holy Spirit says my people only need revelation giving, anointing apply to release the rivers of social transformation from their hearts.

I see a vision of a few cities begin to be the first to have social transformation; these cities were to lead the way for social transformation to come to many cities around the world. The Holy Spirit says social transformation will come, many social transformations will come, many movements of social transformations will come, wave after wave of social transformations will come, and this is the will of the Lord for the earth.

I see a vision of social transformation is coming to many cities around the world. I see social transformation come in waves upon waves upon these many cities, and the Holy Spirit says social transformation is one the manifestations of the Kingdom of God.

I see a vision of social transformation come to a few nations around the world, they were to be first and they were to lead the way for the many nations that will have social transformation.

I see a vision of social transformation come to many nations around the world. I see social transformation come in waves upon wave, movement upon movement of social transformation that will come to the many nations around the world.

Now I see a vision of social transformation building and becoming a great flood. The Holy Spirit is saying there is a great flood that is coming this great flood is social transformation that will come to the whole world; God’s will is for social transformation to come to every city and to every nation, and to the whole earth.

The Holy Spirit says, social transformation will come to the whole world, for the Kingdom of God will increase and fill the whole earth, and all things will come under the Kingdom of God. There is no end to the increase of the Kingdom of God, and it’s peace, and therefore there will be no end to social transformation in the world until the return of Christ.

Reformation will come to the Church, revivals will come and remain, social transformation will come and increase until the return of Jesus, which is the fullness of the Kingdom of God, and social transformation; and there be harvests throughout reformation, revivals, and social transformation.

Social transformation will come to fullness at the return of Christ and Kingdom of God will come to fullness however the increase of the kingdom of God has no end.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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