Friday, December 14, 2007

Hebraic Life and Culture

Hebraic Life and Culture

Elvis Iverson

The Hebraic culture is a culture that has been formed and tested through the fire throughout history, and it was the culture and people who give us the gift of the Yeshua the Messiah, who is Jesus Christ our Lord. The Hebraic culture is more holy and pure then any other culture around the world, yes each culture has some forms of godliness, however the Hebraic culture has most godliness then any other culture in the world. The Hebraic culture was form by the Holy Spirit through Abraham and Moses. This came by revelation from relationship with the Lord. –(Gen. 12:1-3)

The Hebraic culture gives life if we apply according to the Holy Scriptures by the Holy Spirit and grace we will see the same fruits that the Hebraic culture gives through faith. –(Josh. 1:8)

Hebraic life and culture give us the Old Testament, New Testament, Jesus Christ our Lord, the apostles of the Lamp, and Apostle Paul. Even the New Testament church was a Messianic church, and even the New Testament church is a Jewish root. The New Testament is Jewish, and the New Testament Church is Jewish. –(Rom. 11:18)

The Torah the first five books of the Bible are where Hebraic life and culture comes from, and through Holy Spirit and faith we can apply. The Torah is the foundation of the bible, Our Lord Jesus Christ was the greatest teacher of the Torah, and Apostle Paul had the greatest understanding of the Torah. We can obey the Torah for the Torah is written upon our hearts by the Holy Spirit, and we can apply the Torah by grace, faith and the Holy Spirit, however the Torah does not save us, we are only saved through grace through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. We are fee from the condemnation of the Law, and the false righteous works of the Law, we can only be righteous through Christ and His blood. We now have freedom and liberty to apply with willingness the Torah by faith, grace and only through the Holy Spirit. The Torah is holy, just, good and pure. –(Psa. 19:7-11, Rom. 7:12)

Hebraic life and culture:

· Faith in the Lord, and serving the Lord in all areas of life, it is whole faith and whole practices on Sunday, Monday, Saturday, at home and at work.
· Relationship and fear of the Lord above all other things and walks of life, relationship with the Lord is greater then religion and meaning of life. Knowing God more then just understanding who He is, it is sample Awe of God in a real living faith in Christ.
· Every believer in Christ is to know and study the Holy Scriptures, the studying and knowing of the Word of God is not just for the preacher or teacher, it is for all believers, and even young and children are to know the Holy Scriptures for themselves. Every believer is to know the Word of God then a few who go to Bible College.
· Meditation on the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures was not just reading and study; instead they live the Word in all areas of life.
· The Emphasis on home life, believers are to live the home life with their love ones, fathers are to teach their children and husbands are to love their wife’s, and mothers are teach their children, and wife’s are love their husbands, and the home is be a sanctuary of faith and worship. The fathers are to be spiritual leaders of their home. The home life is of a higher priority then religious buildings and church, for the church life begins in the home. This is where we get the church in the home from, Since Jewish men know how to lead their homes as spiritual leaders, it was easy to apply and train them to be home church leaders.
· The Hebraic attitude toward life, to serve God was a joy, to serve God with gladness was the their joy, Sundays was a joy, and Saturdays was a joy, and the Christian life is to be a life of Joy.
· Fathering and mentoring Education, to mentor one into business, or one into ministry.
· Prosperity not only for a believer, but for aiding and building the community of faith, building the houses of faith, and aiding the believers in need. The community of faith was a community of prosperity.
· The Business life, and workplace was a life of faith, worship, and communion with the Lord and one another, and witness to others of their faith.
· Ear to the Prophets, they were open ear to hear what the prophets will say; they were open to the prophetic ministry.
· Open and faith in the supernatural.
· Understanding and action of the praise of the Lord.

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit is calling us to change our life, our world, and mindsets according to the Holy Scriptures, beginning with our heart, and then renewing our mind, and then renewing our world according to the Biblical culture of both the Old and New Testament believers. –(Rom. 12:1-2)

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