Friday, November 09, 2007

Restoration of the Christian Life

Restoration of the Christian Life

Elvis Iverson

The Modern Christian life is going to church on Sunday and then going home, you go to church, instead of being in the church, then you go to work and the church remains behind the four wall outside of your workplace, your home, and your life. –(Jn. 15:1-8)

The Christian Life is to live for Christ at home, at work, among your friends, and then in a church building. Worship is more then a service, instead it is a life with God in all you do throughout the week. –(Col. 3:12-17)

The face of the Church will change in one generation, the Christian life will change in one generation, the face of church life will change in one generation, and the workplace will change in one generation. We live in radical apostolic times of the Spirit, from the Throne Room the Voice of the Lord is calling for changes to all things we know of, this is the day we are entering into radical change. –(Heb. 12:25-29)

The Christian life will be the life of revival, the life of the church will be a life of revival, and your workplace will have workplace revival, and revivals will fill the church in all places, and revivals will pour out and overflow from the church unto nations and cities around the world. –(Matt. 3:11-12)

We are in a time of reformation, this is the third reformation of the church, the reformation of all things in the church, and this reformation is laying the foundation for massive revivals, lasting revivals, revivals, revival movements, and resting revivals, and the revival life. –(Heb. 9:10)

Restoration of the Christian Life:

1. Relationship with Christ: To know Christ, to begin a true relationship with Him, to have on going relationship in truth and grace. Relationship with God is above the congregation, above the workplace, above the home life, above all things in this life; instead relationship with God gives meaning to the home life, workplace, congregation, and all things in this life.
2. Build on Relationship: We are called to be in relationship with God, love God, and be in unity with Him, and likewise we are called to build relationships with one another, to love one another, to pray for one another, and to be in unity with one another.
3. Know the Holy Scriptures: Every believer, not just a few, instead all in the church is to study and meditate on the Word for themselves, We are not to wait for someone to preach or teach the Word, instead we are to already know the Word, Children are to know the Word, and Young and teenagers are to know the Word. The Word, the Bible is the final authority in life.
4. Restoration of the Home life: Fathers are to be spiritual leaders, they are lead their homes in prayer and Bible Study, Fathers are to teach their children and Husbands are to love their wives, Mothers are to teach their Children, and Wives are to love their Husbands. Both Husbands and Wives are to love and teach one another in Christ. Moreover, this is where the church in the home begins, this is where the church life begins, and this is where the Christian life begins. We must restore the church life in the home; Christians need to return to meeting in their homes.
5. Restoring the believer’s ministry: We as believers in Christ are all priesthood, the church is a holy royal priesthood. The believers are called to 98% percent of the ministry, it is the believers who are called to do the work of the ministry, and the five-fold ministry is called to equipped the believers for the work of ministry.
6. Restoration of kings in Christ: Every believer in Christ is called to be a king in the King of kings in His Kingdom on Earth. Apostolic ministry is to teach and rise up kings for the Kingdom.
7. The Common Power of God: All believers are to prophecy, have visions and dream dreams, they are to have supernatural signs, gifts of the Spirit and the power of God.
8. The Revival Life: I believe all believers are to have revival, personal revival for all believers; the life of revival is for every believer in Christ.
9. Restoration of Joy: every believer is to serve the Lord with gladness, having the joy of the Lord in all areas of a believer’s life. Christians are to rejoice in the Lord, Sunday is a time for joy, fellowship with other believers is a time of joy, and your life is to have the joy of the Lord.
10. Fellowship with the City Church: There is only one church in each city; there are many congregations within one city church. Believers are called to have more things in common, and to reach the day that we have all things in common.

We have entered into the third reformation, the life of a Christian will change radical, the life of the church will change radical. Reformation is preparing the way for revivals, many revivals and the revival life that is coming soon. The next level of city church is upon us, the new apostolic city church will arise in many cities, and the new apostolic congregation shall arise in many cities, and the New Apostolic Church will arise in the church in all cities and in all nations around the world, and the church in the home will be restored. –(Hab. 2:2-3)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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