Friday, November 02, 2007

Kingdom Come part four

Kingdom Come part four

Elvis Iverson
July 21, 2007

In a vision I see the arising new apostolic church and see the inner networking of the hearts of apostles, prophets, and teachers coming together, and the whole ministry of the grace of Christ. Then from this unity came grace like a river, like an anointing, like running oil upon church around the world.

The priests of the Kingdom begin to arise in intercession, and ministering to the Lord, and they minister to one another; the new apostolic church begun to grow very fast around the world, and the apostolic city church begun to arise and grow in cities around the world. The church around the world will be the apostolic church.

In addition, the apostles begun to teach about the revelation of the Kingdom of God; and thus begun the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom. I see a visions of waves of kings of the Kingdom of God begin to arise around the world. This will only be the beginning of the arising of kings of the Kingdom; their fullness will begin in the end times.

As the revelation of the Kingdom God came forth, the kings of the Kingdom came forth begun to arise around the world. As more revelation of the Kingdom came forth more kings will come forth, and the kings move more forth in the Kingdom of God.

From the hearts of the kings of the Kingdom came forth rivers of social transformation, I could see rivers of social transformation coming from kings of the Kingdom in cities around the world, and nations around the world.

As the apostles were faithful to minister the revelation of the Kingdom from generation to generation the cities and nation begun to be healed through revivals, social transformations, and revelation.

From each generation beginning in this generation to the next generations and to the end times generations, the revelation of the Kingdom of God increase and unfolded more in each generation beginning with this generation.

The apostles were giving grace and begin to rise up the kings of the Kingdom around the world. These were meetings of revival presence and revival revelation. These were more then meetings they were gatherings of future kings, and these meetings went on from generation to generation beginning with this generation.

This generation is the beginning generation of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom, and the end times will be the beginning of fullness of the Kings of Kingdom, that will lead to fullness, which will be at the return of Christ.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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