Friday, November 02, 2007

The Way to Prophetic Worship

The Way to Prophetic Worship

Elvis Iverson

Every believer has a prophetic anointing; the intercessors have a prophetic anointing, the worship ministry has a prophetic anointing, the house prophet has a prophetic anointing, then there is the Prophet. –(1 Cor. 14:26-33)

All believers are to worship the Lord, all believers are to praise the Lord, we are to learn how to praise the Lord and however, worshipping is loving the Lord in Spirit and Truth. –(Jn. 4:23-24)

In the worship ministry there are two worship ministers, the Psalmists whom have anointing and grace to write and sing songs, Minstrels have anointing and grace to play musical instruments and sing. –(1 Chron. 25)

We should pray for a prophetic outpouring on the music ministry of the church, learn to flow in the prophetic music. First and foremost, we need a biblical foundation laid out before the worship ministers and worship ministry, and the church needs to understand what praise is and what worship is, and the biblical foundation of music. –(Jn. 15:1-8)

Teach the people how to praise the Lord, there are seven ways to praise the Lord, and we then must seek the Lord to release from the Breath of the Holy Spirit the high praises of God. From praise we go to worship, which is love God. We must pray that we will flow into deep worship. –(Psa. 100, Psa. 149:6)

Establish your worship ministry into teams, there could be more then one team, but one worship ministry, each team needs to have a worship coordinator, and then a senior worship coordinator over the whole worship ministry. Worship coordinators and the Senior worship coordinator must have a prophetic anointing, be a person of worship, be a person of prayer, can teach biblical worship, and can lead in worship. The senior worship coordinator has to ether be a teacher or a prophet in worship. A teacher called into worship ministry, and has a prophetic anointing in worship. A prophet called into worship ministry, and has prophetic anointing in worship. The senior worship coordinator must ether be a Psalmist or a Minstrel, and they must be seasoned. –(1 Chron. 25)

The Way to Prophetic Worship:

1. Worship ministry is not entertainment, when you practice, don’t practice instead worship, worship more then practice.
2. Pray together, be prayerful, pray through.
3. Prophesy and see visions together.
4. Learn to flow together in worship with the Holy Spirit.
5. Learn to minister to the Lord in worship and music.
6. Put sermons into songs.
7. Put prophesy into songs.
8. Pray for new songs, songs of the Lord, and songs of deliverance.
9. Learn to flow in worship intercession.
10. Learn to do spiritual warfare with praise and worship.
11. Begin corporate worship service with common worship songs to unite and bring one mind in the Lord.
12. Allow the prophets and prophetic people to prophesy and speak visions during corporate worship service time.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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