The Generation of Hope
Elvis Iverson
We are already begun to enter into a new time of reformation, the beginning of the end of the restoration of the priesthood, and the beginning of restoration of the kings of the Kingdom; most new apostolic congregations are optimistic about Eschatology. It was in 1997 the Lord begun to teach me about the eternal purpose, which is the church, and about the future and destiny of the church, He begun to teach me the end times from His viewpoints. The Lord said to me by the year 2006 the end times teaching will be reinterpret, although the has been hopeful end times teaching before this, and in church history. However, today the Lord is re-teaching us the end times to free us and set our minds free to see His will for the Church, Israel, and the world in the end times, He is giving is a vision of hope for our future. –(Prov. 13:12, Psa. 31:24, Prov. 29:18, Heb. 11:1)
The Holy Spirit wants to restore hope for the future of the church, He wants us to know the destiny of the church is one of much hope; He wants to heal our hearts and restore hope to us. For the reasons to see through His eyes, and that we can began to walk in His prophetic Scripture fulfillment today, we need to realign ourselves with His vision for the church, for Israel, and for the world, so that we can begun to pray, and press forward in the fulfillment of His prophetic vision of the future. –(Hab. 2:2-3)
This is why that optimistic Eschatology, hopeful Eschatology, visionary Eschatology, and victorious Eschatology is coming forth to give us a vision of hope for our future, a vision of hope for the church, Israel, the world and the end times, and give us a vision of hope for our life. –(Heb. 6:18-19)
In our generation will arise the generation of hope, that can see the end times in hope, that can see the future and destiny of the Church in hope, that can see the future and destiny of Israel in hope, that can see the future of the world in hope, and then can begun to apply and pray forth divine changes, social transformations, and revivals all over the world. –(Jer. 29:11-13)
The prophetic Holy Scripture prophesies say and speak about the restoration of all things, this means the progression of all things, not only for the church, instead for the whole world, Israel, your nation, your city, and your life. Times of restoration and times of progression is the will of the Lord, and the end times will be the beginning of the fullness of the times of restoration and times of progression, and the church shall be the leaders of restoration and progression to the world, the Church shall lead the world in restoration and progression. Let us pray for, full restoration and full progression for our nation, city and the world. –(Acts 3:19-21, Rev. 22:2)
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Labels: Elvis Iverson, End Time church, End Times, Supplication International Ministries, vision
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