Angel of Awaking
Elvis Iverson
June 21, 2008
In a vision I see a cloud filled my place, and smoke fills my home, and then I seen a angel appear in the cloud, and he comes up to me, and begins to speak, the first thing he says is grace, grace to you.
I am the angel of awaking, I have come to release the Capstone revival, and the beginning of all revivals, and this is a new day of revivals, the church need revelation to have revival. I speak grace, grace.
I have been to Lakeland Florida; I soon will go to other places in America and awaking revival, then I will go to other places around the world and awaking revival. I speak grace, grace.
I have come to awaking revival in your heart; I have come to awaking revival in the hearts of the believers. I speak grace, grace.
This is the beginning of the coming revivals; this is the beginning of great revivals. The Lord will fill the church full of revivals. I speak grace, grace.
Now I see a vision of America, I see a building arise, and I see the glory cloud enter into this building, the glory cloud came in, and no one could minister, only the cloud of glory could minister, this was the ministry of the Lord, this is revival beyond the revivalists. The angel of Awaking then said this will happen in America and other nations, I speak grace, grace.
Now the angel of awaking had a gift in his hands, he says this is revival, revival is a gift from God, and it is a free gift. I have come from the Father in the Third Heaven to bring you His gift for you and the church. I speak grace, grace.
The angel of awaking says this is only the beginning, the beginning of revival will be long, and so have patience and with grace you will flow in revival to revival. I speak grace, grace.
Now he says you will go from glory to glory, revival to revival, grace to grace, I speak glory, glory, I speak revival, revival, and I speak grace, grace.
Revival is the work of the Holy Spirit, revival is the will of God, revival is the Heart of the Father, and revival will flow like grace to your hearts around the world. I speak grace, grace.
He says the Lord hears the prayers for America, now hear comes the beginning of an outpouring of prayer fulfillment, and now begin an outpouring of prophetic fulfillment. I speak grace, grace.
Then the angel of awaking looked to east and to west and to the north and to the south and pointed his fingers, and said revival will come to the east and to the west and to the north and to the south. I speak grace, grace.
He says the Lord speaks in Revival, He speaks in His glory, when the glory cloud comes the Lord speaks, watch revival, watch revivals, for the Lord is speaking through them to the church, to you, and the world, hear the Lord says, and take heed, for the Lord says can you hear, he who has an ear hear what the Holy Spirit is saying through revival, for the Lord will speak through revival. I speak grace, grace.
The angel of awaking says watch revival, watch the capstone revival, watch revival around the world, for when revival comes the church moves forth, and the Lord moves forth, move with the Lord, follow the Lord, hear and see the leading of the Lord through revival. I speak grace, grace.
Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: America, Angelic Encounters, Angelic Messengers, Elvis Iverson, prophecy, prophetic, revival, Supplication International Ministries
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