Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Key of Knowledge

The Key of Knowledge

Elvis Iverson

The spirit of religion, religious spirits, religious people, and religious leaders stand in the way, and have hidden the key of knowledge. They say they are gatekeepers, they say they are doorkeepers, but they are not the gate or the door, and they are not the gatekeepers of the gates of praise or watchmen on the walls of salvation. –(LK. 11:52, Isa. 60:18)

Some of these religious people and religious leaders have become full of hypocrisy and they become not only religious but now they are hypocrites. Religious people could be free, hypocrites are very hard to be free, and it will take a divine act of mercy. –(2 Tim. 3:1-5, 1 Tim. 4:1-5)

The religious and the hypocrites have hidden the key of knowledge from us, and revelation is rare, and there is no widespread revelation. We may hear the Word here and there, but there is no Word Revelation. In our generation the Lord in His wisdom and mercy will restore Word Revelation to the Church. In our generation the Lord to rising up Samuel apostles and Samuel prophets to find and take back the Key of knowledge, not for a few, instead to the whole church. The key of knowledge is coming; the key of knowledge is Word Revelation. Word Revelation will be widespread. It is the Word of God with the Revelation Ministry of the Holy Spirit. In our time we will begin the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom, and the key of knowledge will open the door for the restoration of the others keys of the Kingdom. –(1 Sam. 3:1)

We are to pray for the Key of Knowledge; we are to plant the Key of knowledge in our hearts, to un lock the doors of Heaven to release rivers of Word Revelation, prophetic revelation, the power of God, the gifts of the Spirit, revival, and the rivers of the Holy Spirit. –(Eph. 1:15-23)

The Key of Knowledge is the key that opens our hearts, the opens the door to the Third Heaven, to the Throne Room of God, to release revivals, power of God, gifts of the Spirit, and divine changes upon the earth. –(Heb. 4:1)

The Key of knowledge is not just giving to a few; it is giving to the many, to whoever will receive and open their heart, their heart is the door to the rivers of revival. –(Jn. 7:38)

Our Lord Jesus is the door, is the open door, and He is in us through the Holy Spirit. It is by the blood of Christ we enter into the Throne Room. When you open the door of your heart you will trap into the Throne Room encounters. –(Jn. 10:7)

We go to the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ, however to open the Throne Room for revivals to flow upon the earth we need Word Revelation. –(Matt. 16:19)

The Lord is restoring the Key of knowledge in our generation, not for the few, not for the pastors or spiritual leaders, instead for the many, and for the whole church around the world, the Body of Christ. –(Heb. 8:11, Eph. 1:17-18)

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