Friday, April 03, 2009

Pray for Great Harvest in the Church around the World

Pray for Great Harvest in the Church around the World

Elvis Iverson

Heavenly Father we come boldly to the Throne Room of God, in the Third Heaven, by faith we receive the Presence, Light, and Truth of the Father, by faith we see our Lord Jesus Christ at the Right Hand of Father making intercession for us, and by faith we see the seven lamps of burning fire which is the Throne of the Holy Spirit. Father you are on the Throne of Mercy we ask you for mercy, Lord Jesus you are on the Throne of grace we ask you for grace, Holy Spirit you are on the Throne of love we ask you for love. Father led us by the Holy Spirit in praying apostolic and prophetic prayers for the Body of Christ.

Father we pray for the increase of the Kingdom of God, we pray for great increases of the Kingdom of God in our generation, and in our time, we pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in every city, every region, every nation, and globally around the world.

Father we pray for the increase of the church, we pray for great increases, massive increases of the church to come in our generation, to come in our time, and to come in our decade.

Father raise up and establish the Church as the City of God in all cities, all nations, all regions, all places, all people groups, and globally around the world.

Father raise up and establish apostles and prophets in the church in all cities, all regions, all places, all nations and globally.

Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of reformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of revival to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of social transformation to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world. Father we ask for rivers of the Spirit of Harvest to flow from the hearts of all believers in Christ and upon the church around the world.

Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!
Father send harvest!

Father we pray for harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for many harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for great harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for massive harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for extreme harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for many harvest of souls, many great harvest of souls, many massive harvest of souls, and many extreme harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for many waves of harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for the spirit of Harvest to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Father we pray for continue harvest of souls to come to all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally.

Lord of the Harvest we pray raise up apostles and prophets, raise up many labors and send them, and make a way for them enter into the harvest felids of the earth around the world.

Lord of the Harvest raise up the saints to do the work of ministry, to do the ministry of reconciliation, to do the work of an evangelists, to obey the great commission in all cities, all regions, all places all people groups, all nations, and globally with signs and wonders following for the glory of Christ.

Lord of the Harvest we pray for the rain of the Spirit, we pray for clouds of the Spirit, we ask for rain in the time of rain, to rain upon the harvest felids of earth around the world.

Father we pray for edification, great edification, extreme edification, an outpouring of edification, waves of edification, rivers of edification, and the Spirit of edification to come to the city church in all cities, come to the regional church in all regions, come to the national church in all nations and to come to the globally church globally, and the church around the world.

Father we pray for the width of the church, we pray for the length of the church, we pray for the depth of the church, and we pray for the height of the church. The Width of the church is the Marketplace church, the length of the church, is the apostolic church, the Depth of the church is the Koinonia church, and the Height of the church is the City church. Father we pray for unity, vision, common ground, networking, and relationship, in the width, length, depth, and height of the church.

Father we pray for the Persecuted Church in these 52 nations: North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Laos, Iran, Maldives, Somalia, Bhutan, China, Afghanistan, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Comoros, Uzbekistan, Eritrea, Myanmar (Burma), Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Brunei, Nigeria (North), Cuba, Russian Federation (Muslim), Tajikistan, Sri Lanka, Djibouti, Mexico (South), Tunisia, Qatar, India, Nepal, Colombia (Conflict Areas), Indonesia, Algeria, Turkey, Mauritania, Kuwait, Belarus, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Syria, Bangladesh, Jordan, Kenya (North East), Ethiopia, and Bahrain.

Father we pray for body of Christ in these nations; we pray raise up the body of Christ in these nations, we pray for massive numbers to be won to the Lord in these nations and on a daily bases, we pray for the national church to be raised up in these nations, we pray for the city church to be raised up in every city in these nations, we pray an outpouring of truth and revelation upon the church of these nations, we pray for divine protection over every believer in Christ in these nations and protection over the whole church in these nations and protect the five-fold ministry in these nations, we pray end the sufferings of these Christians in these nations, we pray for wealth, finances, and resources for the work of the Lord in these nations to come like rivers and waves with no end, we pray for an outpouring of dream jobs, dreams careers, and dream opportunities to be poured out upon every believer in these nations, we pray raise up apostles and prophets in these nations, network the church of these nations with other churches in other nations, such as free nations, we pray for an holy union to be established between the freedom church in other nations with the persecuted church in these nations, we pray for many open doors and open gates in these nations to preach and teach the Gospel and the Word, we pray for many open doors for Christians missionaries, and ministers to come to these nations, we pray for the Lord to raise up a mighty Christian Marketplace Army in each of these nations, we pray for the Christians to have freedom to witness, worship and freedom to live out their faith every day, and we pray for true freedom and other freedoms to be established in these nations, we pray for social transformation to come upon the governments of these nations that they will be transformed into the Image of Christ, we pray for social transformation to come to every city in these nations, we pray for the authorities in these governments to have a new heart and a new mind according to the nature of Christ, we pray for justice and righteousness to be established in these governments of these nations, and we pray for Massive revivals to come to these nations, and we pray for these nations to be won to the Lord.

Father we pray for comfort, much provision, joy, revival, restoration and healing to come to each believer in Christ in these nations.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

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