Friday, February 27, 2009

Faith for Revival

Faith for Revival

Elvis Iverson

Revival will become away of life for the believer and for the church, the Lord is restoring revival to the church, and we will never again be without revival. You may pray for revival, it is revivals that are coming, not one, instead many revivals, and many revivals, to the degree of reformation we have reach pass, it the degree of revival we will have, reformation is laying a foundations for revivals and lasting revivals. –(Acts 3:19-21)

We have study revival for years, we have study past revivals for years, building our faith up for revivals, places revival on our mind and in our heart and birthing a prayer for revival. –(1 Cor. 3:6-10)

Revival that is coming, is not like the other revivals we have read about, and there is a big between the pages of studying revival then having revival, and the revivals that is going to happen today is not the same, the Lord is doing a new thing. –(LK. 5:33-39)

It is amazing those who have study revival and teach revival, don’t understand revival; you need knowledge with revelation, and with supernatural visions from the Holy Spirit. –(Eph. 1:17-18)

They say there is a revival every 50 years in America, however that time is over, revival that is coming, I means revivals is nothing like we have ever known and study; America will have many revivals. –(Isa. 64:1-5)

Those revivals came in the pass without the foundation of apostles and prophets, and the revivals that are coming will have foundation based on apostles and prophets. Apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church, apostles and prophets are laying the foundations for reformation, and reformation is laying the foundations for revivals, and lasting revivals. –(Eph. 2:19-22)

We are beginning to enter into a new apostolic age of revival, the church will never again be without revival, there be revival there and revival here, when one revival begins to end another will begin, there will never be any time between revivals, revival will give birth to revival, we will go from revival to revival, from glory to glory. –(2 Cor. 3:17-18)

Do we need to always repent, or have repentance to bring revival? There is repentance that brings revival, and repentance is a key to revival, John the Baptist preaches repentance and revival never came, however the church in the upper room was in unity, and then revival came. The truth is the will of the Father is for the church never to be without revival. –(Acts 2:16-18)

It is amazing those who are knowledgeable about revival, don’t understand revival, you need a revelation of revival. Those who have prayed for revival and teach revival are now attacking revival, that is why we need the heart revival first, and all believers can have revival in their heart. –(Rev. 3:20-22, 4:1)

How do you bring revival? That is a good question however; the question should be is how do we practice and contain revival, and let revival flow from our hearts? That is the question that we need to answerer! –(Jam. 1:5)

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