Visions of Social Transformation
Elvis Iverson
These are the beginning days of social transformation, the foundations are being lay for revivals and social transformations, in this holy reformation the foundations are being laid for revivals and social transformations; these foundations are being laid by apostles and prophets. The revival life is coming to the believers and the church, and social transformation life is coming to the kings of the Kingdom and the world around them. –(Isa. 9:6-7)
We will see from a few cities to many cities and then all cities, then a few nations, then many nations and then all nations, we will see social transformations, many waves of social transformations, and massive social transformation coming. –(2 Chron. 7:14)
See the vision of social transformation: I see a city near you, or in your city, where the arising new apostolic city church arise in your city, and the fires of revivals rest up the city church, and the city church center, and revivals begin to fall upon the church of the city, and upon the city. The marketplace church is raise up and a bridge is built between the church and the marketplace, and kings of the Kingdom begin to be raise up, and they begin to minister to the city; and after a season the waves of social transformation begins to come upon your city, wave after wave of divine change and divine transformations begin to happen, and this is only the beginning. –(Ezek. 47:1-12)
See the vision of social transformation: in a city near you or your city, the kings begin to minister, the believers begin to pray, and the church begins to walk in revival life, and the Lord begins to heal the city, and the spirit of poverty is broken off the church, then off the city, and wealth and prosperity begins to flow upon the city church, and then overflows upon the city, poverty begins to decrease and prosperity begins to increase, the day will come when there is no poverty within the city, every person has a job, every person is ether middle class and upper class, and there is not walls between them. –(Rev. 22:2)
See the vision of social transformation: among the city church in a city near you or your city, the prayers of the saints, and the kings minister to the city, revivals falls, and the rivers of social transformation begin to flow and the crime rates drop, and the jails become empty, the youth and teenagers live pure lives, and become faithful youth, the blessings of the Lord flow upon the city and among the city church, marriages are successful and healed, the people groups fellowship and become friends with one another. –(Rev. 11:15)
See the vision of social transformation: the kings minister to the city, and the rivers of social transformation flows in the city, and the rains of social transformation rain upon the city, harvest comes upon the city, many are saved, masses are won to Christ, the holiness of God fill the city, the local government and public schools system s are changed by the Spirit, and there is no walls between the church and the city, and there is no walls between government and the city, each has there purpose and place, but both flow with the will of the Lord in the Word of God. –(Acts 17:6,Acts 8:8)
See the vision of social transformation: revivals fall upon the city church and is alive with the life of the Spirit, the apostles minister; the believers do the work of the ministry, the congregations become full, and the home churches increase and filled the church and fill the city around them, coffee houses become places of fellowship and loving one another in Christ, healing comes and the sick are healed, demons are cast out, the city become a city without sickness, and a demon free zone, and the rivers of social transformation flows throughout the city. –(Mal. 4:2-3)
See the vision of social transformation: waves of social transformation comes upon these cities, waves after waves, and massive social transformation comes too, then social transformation comes to other cities, and many cities and then the whole nation enters into social transformation, and social transformation goes from city to city, from nation to nation, wave after waves of social transformation. –(Rev. 21:24)
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, Marketplace Church, Marketplace Revival, social transformation, Supplication International Ministries, Workplace Church
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