The Torah and the Gospels
Elvis Iverson
The Torah is the first five books of the Bible, it is the foundation of the Bible, it is the foundation of the whole earth, and it is foundational to life with God, in our Lord Jesus Christ we have access to the Torah, and through the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Torah is restore to the whole earth. –(Psa. 19:7-11)
Our Lord Jesus give the Law, give the first five books of the Bible, give the Torah to Moses, all Holy Scriptures are giving from Christ, but Torah is the beginning of the revelation of God. One of the names of Jesus is the Word, our Lord Jesus Christ is the Word, the living Word, and Jesus Christ is the Living Torah. –(Jn. 1:1-5)
Our Lord Jesus Christ brought us the Law of the Spirit and Life in Christ Jesus, the Spirit of the Torah; the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Torah, the Law of the Spirit of life, is the application of the Torah in grace, faith, love and Spirit. –(Rom. 8:1-2)
Our Lord Jesus Christ brought us Grace and Truth, first grace then truth, grace comes before truth, He brought us grace and then Torah, grace is before Torah, it is grace and Torah, not Torah and grace, only by applying grace to your life and the Torah you can apply the Torah. –(Jn. 1:14)
Our Lord Jesus Christ brought us Spirit and Truth, it is Spirit first, then Truth, it is Spirit before Torah, it is not Torah first then Spirit, It is Spirit and Torah. We apply the Spirit to our lives and then to the Torah, and then we can walk in the Torah. –(Jn. 4:23-24)
Our Lord Jesus Christ brought us the Word, Spirit and Life, we can apply the Torah in Spirit and Life, when we apply the Torah in Grace we will have the Life of the Spirit, we will have the Spirit, we will have life, the Torah is to give Spirit and Life, there is the ministry of the Holy Spirit that comes following the Torah. If there is no Spirit and Life, then you have misapplied the Torah; the application of the Torah is grace, Spirit and life. –(Jn. 6:63)
Our Lord Jesus Christ brought faith to us, in the time of Abraham, Abraham had faith and believes in the promises of God, and it was accounted it to him for righteousness; it was not righteousness of the Torah, the misapply of the Torah, instead, it is the beginning of the true application of the Torah, for faith is before the Torah, it is by faith we apply and walk, and follow the Torah. Abraham had the Torah of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus; the application of the Torah in grace, faith, Spirit, life and love. In Christ we can have faith in the life of the Torah. –(Jn. 6:28-29)
Our Lord Jesus Christ brought us love; the Torah must be applying with love. If we have His commandments and keep them, and love Him; Christ will manifest Himself to you. If we love Christ, we will keep His Word, and the Father and Christ will come to make their home with you. It is love first and then Torah, we are to apply the Torah with love, we are to apply love first to ourselves and then to the Torah. If we Love Him and keep the Torah He will manifest Himself in our live. –(Jn. 14:21,23)
The two great commandments are to love the Lord and then love one another; these two commandments hang all the Law, and the Prophets. Love is the key to the life of the Torah. When we love one another, we fulfill the Torah; we walk in the fullness of the Torah. Love is the fulfillment, fullness of the Torah. We walk in the fullness and fulfillment of the Torah when we walk in love. –(Matt. 22:34-40, Rom. 13:8-10)
When we come to Christ we are born again, born of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts and pours our love, and through love we apply the Torah. –(Rom. 5:5)
Our Lord Jesus Christ brought us the Torah of the Spirit and Life; the application of the Torah in faith, grace, love, life, and Spirit. –(Rom. 8:1-2)
The four Gospels is the renewing and the new beginning of the Torah in the life of the believer, the Four Gospels give us the application of the Torah, the Torah of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. The Four Gospel is the Torah in the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus Christ. –(Rom. 8:1-2, 1:16-17)
The Four Gospels is the fullness of the Torah. The Four Gospels is the way to the life of fullness of the Torah. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to fulfill the Torah, to bring the fullness of the Torah, when you’re in Christ the Torah is fulfilled in you, and you can have the fullness of the Torah in your life by faith. –(Matt. 5:17-20)
Our Lord Jesus Christ was the greatest teacher of the Torah, in the Four Gospels; our Lord Jesus Christ gives us the greatest teachings of the Torah. Apostle Paul follows Christ by revelation and gives us the greatest understanding of the Torah. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of the Torah. He will teach you all things, He will guide you into all truth, He will teach you the Torah and lead you in the Torah; and by the Holy Spirit we can apply the Torah. –(Jn. 14:26,16:13)
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, Fasting and Praying for Israel, Jewish, Messianic, New apostolic Messianic Church, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, Seven Feasts of the Lord, Supplication International Ministries
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