Friday, December 12, 2008

Fasting and Praying for Israel

Fasting and Praying for Israel

Elvis Iverson

God so Love the World that He gave and sent His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to die and redeem us through His Blood and His resurrection. –(Jn. 3:16, Rev. 5:9)

God loves Israel, His focus a lot of His time on Israel, He will never leave Israel, and He will raise her up once again. God Loves the Church He wills to glorify His Church in the Earth, the church is His beloved Bride, and He will raise her up. God loves the world, He wants to heal and restore all the earth, and He wants to heal and redeem many people groups and nations to Him. –(Psa. 102:16, Eph. 5:25)

The Kingdom of God, Israel, the Church, and the World is His passion, He loves them all with the same love, but each are special in His Eyes, and we are to do likewise. An intercessor is to be passionate with what God loves, and pray forth the manifestations of His love, and fullness and fulfillment of His love. –(1 Jn. 4:7-11)

Israel is the apply of God’s eye, We are to be a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people, if we are God will bless us indeed, and we are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, this is one of the prayer request that the Lord wants us to be faithful to pray. Those who love Jerusalem, God will prosper them. –(Psa. 122:6)

Jerusalem is a very heavy stone to any person or nation that will to control her; only the Jewish people and the Lord are to reign in Jerusalem. We as believers are to have a holy passionate burning to pray for Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people. –(Zech. 12:1-9)

The Lord is calling certain believers to be Watchmen intercessors, which will fast and pray for Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people. We are to pray until the Lord establishes and makes Jerusalem praise in the earth. We are to pray and fast for Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people. –(Isa. 62:6-7)

There are those who are called with a special calling to pray and fast for Israel, however every believer in the Church is called to pray for Israel. –(Isa. 62:6-7)

When you fast for Israel, you fast for the promises of the Lord toward Israel and the Jewish people, during your fast you pray for Israel much. –(Isa. 58)

How to pray for Israel:

1. Pray for salvation to come to all of Israel and all of the Jewish people. –(Rom. 10:1)
2. Pray for the peace for Jerusalem, Israel and all Jewish people. –(Psa. 122:6)
3. Pray for Jerusalem to be established in righteousness far from oppression, far from fear, and far from terror, and pray that the Lord make her praise in the earth. –(Isa. 62:6-7)
4. Pray for the restoration of the Torah, the Feasts and the Sabbath and pray for Israel and the Church to come into a holy union and oneness in the Lord. –(Rom. 9,11)
5. Pray for the rain of the Holy, and outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and pray for the Lord to pour out the Spirit of grace and the Spirit of Supplication upon all of Israel and all Jewish people. –(Zech. 10:1, 12:10)
6. Pray for all of the Jewish people to have access and to be led by the Lord to return to the Promise land, Israel, and be restore spiritually and have revivals and great revival. –(Jer. 16:14-16)
7. Pray for the Lord’s protection, and to rise up the sheep Nations to protect Israel, the Jewish people and the Church. –(Matt. 25:32)
8. Pray for the New Apostolic Messianic Church to rise in Jerusalem, Israel, and among all Jewish People, and pray for the Lord to rise up Jewish apostles and Jewish prophets. –(Eph. 2:20)
9. Pray for Egypt, Iraq and Israel to come into peace and a holy alliance with the Lord and with one another, and that through them peace will come to the Middle East. –(Isa. 19:18-25)
10. Pray for times of restoration, times of progression, and pray for times of healing for Israel, and all Jewish people. –(Ezek. 47:1-12, Acts 3:19-21,Rev. 22:2)

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