Thursday, December 18, 2008

Decision of the Heart

Decision of the Heart

Clara Iverson

Jesus did promise us abundant lives. But not everyone is living to the fullness of his or her lives. There are actually prerequisites for such good lives. There are conditions on our parts to fulfill before Jesus’ promised life could manifest in all facets of our lives.

Jesus calls us to Him, to return back to His rest. His yoke is gentle, light and easy. If we would take up the light cross He designed specifically for us to bear, we should be delightful, free from worries and victorious everyday. On the contrary, we want to create our own problem. Double-minded Christians are the most miserable people on earth. On one hand, they are not people in the world. They know unbelief is sinful and cannot please God. On the other hand, they are not whole-hearted Christians. They always jump from full of faith, to doubt, then to double-mindedness and end up filled with the stronghold of unbelief.

Jesus is weeping for people like that. He came to set you free. He suffered stripes and pains, so that you can enjoy peace of mind, peace of heart, good health and other blessings. If you would deny yourself, stop striving, and lay down all burdens at the cross, you should be able to smile everyday.

Do you know what that “yes” entails when you said, “I want to follow Jesus”? It means we really forget everything in the past. Never look back. It takes determination to be real Christians. Not only we forget the world, but also every trial and suffering in the past. Some revisit those bad memory or trauma and open door to torment demons to return! Jesus illustrates such determination by telling us to “let the dead bury their own dead, you come and follow me!” Is Jesus mean? No! Is Jesus contradicting His nature of kindness? No! He is just demonstrating to us the significance of letting go of the past. Relationships, burdens, trials and even good memory we must lay completely behind.

The Angel of the Lord gave severe warning to Lot in Genesis 18:17, “Escape for your life. Do not look behind you… lest you be destroyed.” In that moment, the city was smoking like a furnace. Out of heaven, the Lord is raining brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. Such a moment is too late for anything! Your double-mindedness will surface at this crucial moment. We were not born to be obedient. We are trained to be obedient to the Lord. The Lord already knew Lot’s wife did not have what it takes to move forward. If you would obey hundred percent in the past, you will automatically obey and keep running for your life now. Anyone who has tendency to look back is trying to save yourself. Jesus warns more than one time, those who try to save yourself will lose your life. You all know Lot’s wife turned into pillar of salt. She did not belong to Sodom and Gomorrah, still was destroyed.

Therefore, my Beloved, LAY THE PAST BEHIND. Your hands were already in the plow, then, continue to work on the assignment Jesus has given you. Change the way we perceived the past. Even our childhood can be stepping stone for our future. We all have a bright future if we would LET GO of the past. Soak our mind in the goodness of God. God can turn every evil in the past into good for us if we would meditate on the abundant life God has intended for us. I beseech you, LET IT ALL GO.

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