Friday, January 23, 2009

The Torah and The Church

The Torah and The Church

Elvis Iverson

The Restoration of the Torah has begun to be restored to the Church, with that restoration will come the blessed life, a life of blessings, and the life of the Torah, the Torah of the Spirit and Life in Christ Jesus. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to bring the fullness of the Torah, and to fulfill the Torah, and in Christ the Torah is fulfill, and you can walk in the fullness of the Torah, the Torah of the Spirit and life in Christ Jesus, through the Blood of Christ we have access to the Torah, and through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit the Torah is restore to the whole world. –(Matt. 5:17, Rom. 8:2)

All believers are to walk in signs and wonders, we are all to walk in the common power of God, and we want to see the signs of the early, even greater today and tomorrow. –(MK. 16:17-18)

We have Spirit, we have Christ, we have Faith, we have the Gifts of the Spirit, we have the anointing, we have love, however we don’t have the Torah, we need a restoration of the Torah in our lives. –(Rom. 8:2)

The missing link is we don’t have the Torah, we need to have faith in the Torah, the early Church had the Torah and they walk in signs and wonders, if you want signs and wonders, you need to rediscover the Torah today. –(2 Thess. 2:13,2 Tim. 3:14-17)

The Apostles in the early church walk in power, signs, and mighty deed, today we have already seen the restoration of the apostles, but now we need the restoration of signs, wonders, and mighty deeds, the signs of an apostle to be restored. –(2 Cor. 12:12)

The missing link is that the early apostles had the Torah, and the apostles today do not have the Torah. The apostles believed in the Torah, they had the life of the Torah, the Spirit of the Torah, the Torah of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, but today apostles don’t have the Torah; let us return to the Torah of the Four Gospels. –(Jn. 1:14)

Today the prophets make mistakes in the prophetic, they error in prophecy sometimes, some of there prophecy falls to the ground. Yes prophets are not prefect and they will mature, and with maturity comes better prophecy, and there is coming a day when prophets prophesy and all prophecy will comes to pass. –(1 Thess. 5:19-22)

The missing link is the Torah, the prophets had the Torah, and they were train in the Torah from childhood, and they came to Christ, and the Torah came alive, and the Torah give them power to prophecy, and none of their prophecies fall to the ground, and they came to pass. –(Acts 11:27-30)

The Torah is the beginning of the revelation of God, and if any prophet does not prophesy according to the Torah, you must disagree with him, if his prophesy and the prophecy comes to pass, but points to a other god, or lead you away from God, He is not a prophet from God, the Torah in the Prophet in Christ comes alive with the Spirit and prophesy prophecy that comes to pass and leads to Christ. –(Deut. 13:1-5,Deut. 18:20-22)

The Torah is the beginning of the revelation of God, and all prophets, and all apostles, and all things after the Torah has to agree with the Torah to be from God. All Holy Scriptures agree with the Torah, the New Testament and the Four Gospels agree with the Torah, and the Holy Spirit comes to guide us in truth, and to guide us in the Word, and to guide us in the Torah, and He will not say anything that does not line up with the Torah, and this is the missing link of the church; we need a restoration of the Torah. –(2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Pet. 1:20-21)

The Torah was giving on Mount Sinai to Moses, a type of Christ, for the people of God; the feast of Pentecost is the celebration when the Torah was giving, and the coming of the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost. There is a connection between the Torah and the Holy Spirit, When the Holy Spirit came, and the Torah was restored to the earth. If we renew the Torah in our lives we will have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and power in our lives. –(Ex. 19, 20, Acts 1, 2, Ex. 23:14-17, Lev. 23)

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