Friday, January 16, 2009

The Torah and You

The Torah and You

Elvis Iverson

The Torah is the door to blessings, and the Gospels are the key to open this door to blessings. Without the Four Gospels you cannot open the door to blessings. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the door to blessings. For Christ is the end of the Torah for righteousness to everyone who believers. The Torah did not come to an end when Christ came and die on the Cross and rose again, Christ give the Torah to Moses, Christ is the Living Torah, and Christ is the Torah, in Christ the Torah is fulfilled in you, and you can walk in the fullness of the Torah in Christ. The Torah has not ended, instead our Lord Jesus Christ is the Torah, and through Christ we have access to the Torah. –(Rom. 10:4)

You are not under the misapplication of the Torah, the righteous works of the Torah, works for salvation, or the condemnation of the Torah but under grace you apply the Torah by the Holy Spirit. Instead, we now have the application of the Torah; we apply the Torah by faith, by grace, by love, and by Spirit. –(Rom. 6:14)

The Torah of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is the Torah and the Gospels in oneness in Christ opening to you the life of the Spirit and blessings. The Torah applied with the Four Gospels is the Torah of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. –(Rom. 8:1-2)

The hearing of faith you receive the Spirit, the supply of the Spirit and works of miracles come by the hearing of faith. It is the hearing of faith is the beginning application of the Torah that brings the outpouring of blessings that so many Christians are looking, seeking and praying for. We are free from the misapplication of the Torah that brings the curses, however in Christ we have access to the Torah without the righteous works of the Torah, works for salvation, or the condemnation of the Torah, in Christ we have the true application of the Torah, which is faith, grace, love, life, and Spirit. –(Gal. 3:1-9)

Through Christ on the cross we are free from the law of sin and death, the misapplication of the Torah, and we are free from the curses of the righteous works of the Torah, works for salvation, or the condemnation of the Torah, and in Christ we have the blessings of the Torah. –(Gal. 3:10-14)

Abraham was before the Torah; He had faith in Christ, the Torah giver, and the Torah, for Christ is the living Torah. Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. This is the True application of the Torah, and in Christ every believer has access to the Torah through Christ, by faith. –(Gal. 3:6-9, Rom. 4:1-8)

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the door to blessings; the Torah is the door to blessings, and the Four Gospels is the key to the Torah the door to blessing, the key is the application of faith, grace, love, life, and Spirit. –(Rom. 8:1-2)

The Torah is the beginning of the revelation of God, and the Torah is the revelation of the nature of Christ, the Four Gospels is the fullness of the Torah, and the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in Christ you have access to the Torah. –(Matt. 5:17-20)

The Torah is the door to blessings, and our Lord Jesus Christ is the Torah, and the Torah is the beginning revelation of God, and the Torah is the revelation of the nature of Christ, and if you seen Christ who is the fullness of the Godhead, and the fullness of the Torah. The Four Gospels are the application of the Torah; we apply the Torah by faith, grace, love, life, and Spirit. –(Matt. 5:17)

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the way to blessings, the Truth, meaning the Torah, and the life of the Spirit. No one comes to the Father except through Christ, the application of the Torah. Christ is the Torah and the application of the Torah. –(Jn. 14:6)

We as believers in Christ have access to the Torah through Christ, and through Christ we have the blessings of the Torah. The Key to the blessings of the Torah is the application of the Torah in faith, grace, love, life and Spirit. –(Deut. 28)

Meditate on the Torah, to meditate, is more then just a bible study, instead is a life of meditation on the Torah, this means you are change by the Torah, this means you apply the Torah, this means you live the Torah, and you have the life of the Torah. If you do this, your life will be prosperous, and you will have good success. We know the Torah and we apply the Torah, and live in the blessings of the Torah. This all begins with Christ the application of the Torah in faith, grace, life, love, and the Spirit. –(Josh. 1:8, Psa. 1:2-3)

The Holy Spirit is the teacher of the Word of God, and the Teacher of the Torah, for the Torah is the beginning of the Word of God, and even Christ the living Word is the beginning of the Torah, and the Holy Spirit will lead, guide, teach, and empower you to apply and follow the Torah into the way of blessings. –(Jn. 14:26, 16:13)

The application of the Torah is faith, grace, love, life, and the Spirit. Love is the fulfillment of the Torah, if we love, the Torah is fulfilled in us, and we walk in the fullness of the Torah. If we love Christ, His Word, and the Torah, then the manifestation of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon us. The key to manifestations with God, is love, love Christ, love the Word, love the Torah, and we will have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Not just one outpouring, instead a life of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. –(Rom. 13:10)

When we come to Christ by faith, and have hope in Him, and His eternal promises, the love of God is poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. When you come to know Christ, born of the Spirit, born again, by faith the Holy Spirit comes into you and pours out holy love, the love of God is poured out in your heart, for you to apply and live the life of the Spirit, the life of the Spirit begins with Christ and love. –(Rom. 5:5)

When you come to Christ, the Torah is fulfilled in you, and you can walk in the fullness of the Torah, when you come to Christ, the Holy Spirit comes into you, and pours out the love of God, and love is the fulfillment of the Torah, and the fullness of the Torah, it is through the love of God from the Holy Spirit, that Christ imparts the fulfillment of the Torah and the life of the fullness of the Torah in your life. –(Rom. 5:5)

We are to love God, love the Word of God, love the Torah, and love one another, and love the world, thus we walk in the fullness of the Torah, and a life of the fullness of the Torah, and for love is the fulfillment of the Torah. –(Rom. 13:8-10)

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