Friday, January 23, 2009

The Torah and Israel and The Church

The Torah and Israel and The Church

Elvis Iverson

The Third reformation of the Church, the New Apostolic reformation will bring a restoration of the Torah to the church, and a reformation of the Gentile Church, and application of the Torah in faith, grace, love, life, and the Spirit will come to the church around the world, and this will bring an outpouring of blessings of the Torah upon the church. –(Rom.8: 2)

We as believers we to love and pray for Jerusalem, Israel, and the Jewish people from around the world. The day will come when the church and Israel will be one in Christ. –(Psa. 122:6)

The Lord in this New Apostolic Reformation, will raise up the new apostolic church around the world, the new apostolic church is the church of the third reformation of the church, and soon the church will become filled with the new apostolic church, and in Israel and among all Jewish people around the world, the New Apostolic Messianic Church shall raise, and the Lord will restore Jewish apostles and Jewish prophets and they will seek to fellowship and network with Gentile apostles and Gentile prophets and this will lead to the restoration of the oneness between the church and Israel. –(Eph. 2:11-22)

The restoration of the Torah to the Church, the restoration of the Sabbath, and the Restoration of the Feasts to the Church will prepare the way for the spiritual restoration of Israel and the restoration of the oneness between the church and Israel. Israel has already been restore in history now their will the spiritual restoration of Israel, which is Israel coming to their Messiah Jesus. –(Rom. 9,11, 10:1)

Spiritual Israel is the Jewish believers born of the Spirit, they are Jews who are both Jews in the flesh and in the Spirit, those Jews who don’t know Christ yet are Jews only in the flesh, they are real Jews, and when Jew comes to Christ, born again, born of the Spirit, he is then a Jew inwardly, he is a Jew in the spirit too. The Church of Israel, is not the church around the world, instead it the church in Israel, although the church in Israel is apart of the church around the world. –(Rom. 2:28-29)

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