Friday, February 20, 2009

Revelation of Revival

Revelation of Revival

Elvis Iverson

We are entering into the new apostolic age of revival, some may not understand what revival is, revival is not what has already happen, instead revival is what is coming; revival is the Glory of the Lord.

There are many revivals coming, the church will never again be without revival, in order to prepare for the coming revivals and to receive these coming revivals you need the revelation of revival, and each believer needs a revelation of revival for their lives. We have enter into anew season of revelation, this season is a season of revelation of revival; the Lord wants the church to have the revelation of revival. –(Eph. 1:17-18)

How to prepare and how to open your heart to receive the revelation of revival? The love of Christ passes knowledge, and the peace of God surpasses all understand, and so is the revelation of revival, if you have the love of Christ that passes knowledge and if you have the peace of God that surpasses all understand, the doors of your heart then will be open to receive the revelation of revival. It is those who receive the revelation of revival that shall partake in the coming revivals. –(Eph. 3:19, Phil. 4:7)

We are to pray in the Spirit, we are to pray for the outpouring of the Spirit of revelation, and ask the Lord to release the revelation of revival. When we are before the Lord for hours at a times, and praying in the Spirit, revelation fills our hearts and then come upon the beaches of our renew minds. –(1 Cor. 14:2)

I have prophecies for some years about revival, I have seen with the eyes of the Spirit the future of the Church, even the church in the end times, and I have seen the coming revivals that are already beginning to come. From prophecy about revival, the Lord took me to revelation of revival, the Word of God came alive and the Holy Spirit teach me about revival in the Word of God.

First things first, we need the revelation of revival, and each believe needs a revelation of revival, in order to enter into the gates and open door of revival you need the revelation of revival. –(Rev. 21:15, 21, Zech. 4:4-5, 10)

Revivals are coming first to the city of God, which is the Church and the city church in every city, once when the church is filled with revivals, and then revivals will overflow upon our cities and nations around the earth. But first we need the revelation of revival. –(Rev. 21:15-17)

The Lord has appointed apostles and prophets to lay the foundations for reformation, and reformation is laying the foundations for lasting revivals. Apostles and Prophets are revival ministry to the Church! –(Zech. 4:14, Eph. 2:20, Heb. 9:10)

I had a vision of an angel named the angel of awakening; he said he has been sent to release the capstone revival, the capstone revival is the restoration of revival, and is to prepare the way for other revivals to come, the capstone revival has already begun. –(Zech. 4:1, Rev. 21:15, 17)

Ephesians 2:19-22 is the application of revival: We go form prophesies to revelation, and from revelation to application of revival.

The will of the Lord is for the church to never be without revival, this was always God’s will for the church, and we are now coming to the time when the church will never again be without revival. –(Acts 2:17-18)

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