Capstone Revival
Elvis Iverson
Some years the Holy Spirit has giving me prophecies about the coming revivals, and revivals. Back some years ago I was in Central Florida praying and prophesying the Lord spoke to me about a revival that will come, and I believe it is beginning in the Lakeland Healing Revival. Now after some years of prophecy about revivals, the Holy Spirit has moved me from prophecy to revelation of revival. The Lakeland Healing Revival is the starter revival, the Lord give me the name capstone revival. –(Amos 3:7-8)
Capstone revival is the beginning of the revivals that are coming, then we will come to the great fountain deeps revivals, and from there we will come to the revival at the wall, and then revivals at the gates, through the gates and into the gates, and then the revivals of the city of God, and from there revival rivers will flow to cities and nations around the world. –(Rev. 21, 22)
What is the Capstone revival? The Capstone revival is based on Zechariah four!
The angel of awaking has come to Lakeland Florida and awaking revival there, he will soon go to other places in America and awaking revival there, this is the awaking revival, and he then will go to the world, and awaking revival there. There is an outpouring of angels of revival upon the church around the world. God uses angels to release and open up revival. –(Zech. 4:1)
The capstone revival will release the Seven Spirits of God, the Seven Lamps of fire burning before the Throne will be establish in the church around the world. –(Zech. 4:2)
The capstone revival will release the Double Portion Anointing upon the Church around the world. –(Zech. 4:3)
You need a revelation from God, to enter into coming revivals; we need the revelation of revival to have revival. Revival is first a revelation, and then it is life, and then a love feast. The Lord is releasing the revelation of revival in this new season of revival. –(Zech. 4:4-5,10)
The Capstone Revival is not by man’s might, or by man’s power, instead it is by the Spirit of the Lord, this revival is the work of the Holy Spirit. –(Zech. 4:6)
The Lord will remove, cast into the sea, and change into a plains these so called great mountains, and other mountains that stand in the way of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, revival, the maturity of the Church, the city church, the harvests of souls, the increase of the church and the increase of the Kingdom of God. –(Zech. 4:7)
This capstone Revival is a revival of grace, grace. –(Zech. 4:7)
The Capstone revival is the beginning of the building of the city of revivals that shall arise in the church around the world. –(Zech. 4:9)
The Lord is rising up the Corporate Apostle, and the Corporate Prophet in the Capstone Revival. –(Zech. 4:14)
Father we pray for every believer to have revival, we pray for all believers to open their hearts to revival, and we pray for the revelation of revival to come to all believers, and we pray for each believer to have a revelation of revival. We pray for revival to come to the church around the world, from city to city, to all cities and all nations, and to the church in the whole earth, and we pray for rivers of revival to come to cities and nations around the world. We pray for grace, grace to come to the church and all believers.
We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: coming revivals, Elvis Iverson, Lakeland Revival, Revelation of Revival, Supplication International Ministries, The New Apostolic Age of Revival, Theology of Revival
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