The City of God is the City of Revival in every City and in every Nation
Elvis Iverson
Ezekiel one is the prophetic vision of the church, the city of God, the church shall arise as the city of God in every city and in every nation, the Lord will fill the church full of revivals, and it is from the church revivals will flow upon all cities and all nations and revival will flow throughout the world, and revival will come to your city through the revival church that the Lord is building.
Ezekiel forty is the revelation of the church, the city of God that the Lord will built in every city and in every nation, the Lord is looking for a city to dwell in, and that city is the city of God, and the Lord is looking for a dwelling place for revivals, that is the church in your city and your nation.
Ezekiel forty through forty-two is the dimensions of revival, revivals that are coming through the church. I will say this again it is not just one revival; instead there are many revivals, the church will never again be without revival.
Ezekiel forty-three is the fullness of revival and glory. These revivals that are coming will restore the glory of the Lord first in the church and then in the earth, each revival will add to the restoration of the glory of the Lord, we will go from glory to glory, revival to revival, revival after revival will come, each revival will prepare the way for other revivals to come, until the whole church is full of revivals, the glory of the Lord, then will begin to overflow upon cities and nations around the world.
Ezekiel forty-seven is the river of revivals flowing from the church, the city church, the city of God, and the Throne Room to cities and nations around the world.
At the end of Ezekiel forty-eight is the name of the church, the city of God, which is Jehovah Shammah the Lord is there, or you can say the Lord of Revivals, the Church is named revival, for revival is the life of the church and apart of her destiny in the end times is to be full of glory and revival. Through the blood of Christ, and Christ redeem revival and glory for the church; He has already restored the glory of the Lord.
Ezekiel one, and Revelation four are the same prophetic vision of the Church, and Ezekiel forty and Revelation 21, 22, and Isaiah 60 is the same church, the church of glory. The application of these prophetic visions is Ephesians 2:19-22. This is the application of Revival!
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Labels: city church, coming revivals, Elvis Iverson, Lakeland Revival, Revelation of Revival, revival, Supplication International Ministries, The New Apostolic Age of Revival, Theology of Revival
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