Friday, April 03, 2009

The Feast of Revivals

The Feast of Revivals

Elvis Iverson

The Feast of Tabernacles is the Feast of Revivals, the Feast of Revivals is the Church, the city church, the city of God, the house of revivals the Lord is building in many cities and all cities, revival is the will of God for all believers.

We need to understand the seven feasts of the Lord; I believe in them, they are eternal and they are for today, the feasts of Tabernacles is a vision of revivals, revivals will be our Tabernacles, the Lord is among us, and He wants a dwelling place. It is the time of the fire of the Lord, it is time to minister to the Lord, and the Lord to minister to us, it is time of rest, it is a time of rejoicing, and it is a time to dwell in revival. –(Lev. 23:33-44)

There are seven feasts of the Lord, out of these seven there are three main feasts that Israel has to partake in and enjoy unto the Lord. The feast of Passover-Unleavened Bread, the feast of Pentecost, and the feast of Tabernacles; Jesus at the Cross in the Feast of Passover, The outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Feast of Pentecost, and the Church in the Feast of Tabernacles. –(Ex. 23:14-19)

The Bible talks about healing rivers, the healing of the nations, as the church is raise up in all cities and in all nations as the city of God full of revivals, then rivers of revivals will flow to cities and nations around the world. –(Rev. 22:2)

We must understand the leading of the Lord and times and seasons of the Lord, we must see the coming times and seasons of revivals, revivals flow with the seven feasts of the Lord, we must hear what the Holy Spirit is saying through the apostles and prophets to the church. –(Eccl. 8:5-6)

Revelation 21, 22 is the city of revivals that Lord is building, which is the city of God, the church in cities and nations around the world, this is the Feast of Tabernacles, which is the feast of Revivals. This is the day of many revivals, lasting revivals, and the church will never be without revival, never again. Ephesians 2:19-22 is the application of Revelation 21, 22. Which is the application of Revival.

We are waiting for the city, which has foundations, whose builder, and maker is God, for He has prepared a city for them, the city of God, and the church around the world in every city and in every nation. The Lord is bringing revival to the city church, not to a church, instead to the body of Christ, then from their overflow upon cities and nations. –(Heb. 11:10, 16, 12:22-23)

The Lord speaks when revival comes, the Lord speaks through revival, the Lord moves forth through revival, we need to watch revival. The Lord brings the pillars of fire and the pillars of clouds to the church around the world, however He wants a resting place, a dwelling place, a city of revivals that is the church in every city. –(Ex. 13:21,22)

The Lord wants us to move beyond the revivalists, revival may begin with revivalists, but He wants us to move beyond, to a habitation for revival. –(Ex. 20:18-21)

The Lord wants to show His glory to every believer, the Lord wants every believer to have revival, and to experience revival, and to flow in revival. –(Ex. 33:12-23)

Our Lord Jesus Christ, has the key of David, He has open the door to revival, and no one can shut, you must open your heart to the Lord and revival, and come up here to the Throne Room Encounter, where the rivers of revivals are beginning to flow. –(Rev. 3:7,8,18-20,4:1)

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