Hindrances and enemies of Revival
Elvis Iverson
We have already enter into a new age of revivals, this is the age of many revivals, revival will be among all believers, and revival will always be with us, the times have change, the history is changing before our very ears and eyes. I hear the Holy Spirit say we are at the time in history when the Lord will change history, I see a key giving to the church in this hour this is the key to change history, and one of those changes will be true, lasting and overflowing revival.
As a church we must deal with the hindrances and enemies of revival. This is why you must pray, and this is why you must hear the words of this article and this book, and begin to envision revival and begin to pray forth revival.
The Ten hindrances and enemies of revival:
1. Unbelief: it is amazing those among the so-called Spirit filled churches have giving place and root to such Unbelief to the point that God cannot move among them. –(MK. 6:6)
2. Religion: religious spirits and religion is standing in the way of true revival, it will attack or control, first allow revival under their supervision, then control and then bring an end to revival, they are like fire fighters fighting the fires of revival. –(Col. 2:23, Matt. 15:3)
3. No apostles and prophets: there are still churches that don’t believe, instead are standing against modern day apostles and prophets; if they stop them they will never have revival or a move of God. –(Eph. 2:20)
4. No revelation: many churches and many ministers have no revelation; we support too much ministry that has no anointing and no revelation. –(1 Sam. 3:1)
5. Ignorant of the Supernatural in Christ: there are too many who don’t understand spiritual gifts or spiritual things. –(1 Cor. 12:1, Col. 3:1)
6. No sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, it takes time to learn to be sensitive. –(Eph. 4:29-30)
7. No wineskins or envision for revival. –(LK. 5:36-39, 1 Cor. 14)
8. No unity for revival: the first revival in church history came from prayer and unity. –(Acts 2:1)
9. No vision or prophecy on revival, we need to hear the heart of the Father. –(LK. 24:49)
10. No application of revival. –(Eph. 2:19-22)
Apart from this, I would like to share this prophetic word with you.
Angelic Times August 10, 2008
I see a vision of a band of angels sent to America, the church in America, and in nations and cities around the world, and the church around the world.
The first angel I see is the angel of the threshing floors, this angel is sent to those who don’t receive the works and messages of the other angels in this band of angels. This angel is ether sent before these other angels or after them.
The second angel is the angel of awakening, he comes to open gates and doors to revivals and moves of God, and to awake God’s people to the will of God and the voice of the Holy Spirit, he comes with supernatural grace to be giving to those who awake so that they can walk with God in power and revival.
The third angel is the angel of supernatural signs and wonder; he comes to pour out such a degree of supernatural signs and wonders that no one can question these signs and wonders.
The fourth angel is the angel that brings an outpouring of prophecy, visions and dreams in such a way and in such wonder that people are change, and no one can question that they are from God, or that they are real.
The fifth angel is the angel of reformation, he comes to release and bring reformation to the point that major changes manifest and unfold.
The sixth angel is the angel that comes to pour out revivals, he comes with grace and revival, and that these revivals cannot be stop or hinder, they are overpowering and overflowing.
The seventh angel is the angel that comes with an outpouring of social transformations that continue to increase and grow to mature strength and wisdom.
The eighth angel is the angel that brings mass harvest, he release supernatural rivers and supernatural graces to harvest mass numbers, and much power comes with these releases.
The ninth angel is the angel that will bring waves of wealth into the church for the church and the Kingdom, will bring the rivers of wealth, flowing wealth to do the work of the Lord.
The tenth angel is the angel that will bring extreme favor to the church.
The eleventh angel is the angel that will bring restoration and healing to cities and regions, and nations.
The twelfth angel is the angel that is called the angel of the apostles; he will bring with him the raising, release, increase, growth, success, and fruitfulness of the ministry and the apostles.
Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: coming revivals, Elvis Iverson, Prayer of Revival, Revelation of Revival, Supplication International Ministries
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