Friday, August 14, 2009

The Door of the Apostolic

The Door of the Apostolic

Elvis Iverson

There are those around the earth, the Lord is speaking to your heart at this time, do you see this vision, a vision of a hidden door, that vision is the door of the apostolic, it is time for you to prayerfully and gracefully enter into this door of apostolic grace. Soon this door will be revealed to the masses and many great numbers will come running, and this door will widen and become a great door of opportunity and grace. –(Zech. 4:7)

What is the apostolic? It is not government, yes it begins with government that is only apart of the beginning, and yes it is wineskins, yes that is only apart of the beginning, it is not the leadership of apostles, yes that is apart of the beginning, then what is the apostolic, it is grace, new wine, power, signs wonders, opening doors and gates to the nations, it is the outreach sending anointing to win the masses and change the hearts of many. In a word the apostolic is evangelism reborn in signs and wonders in the hearts of believers around the earth. It is every believer is a missionary in their city, in their own nation, and the world is their playground. –(Matt. 28:18-20)

You can have an apostolic anointing for your life and ministry! Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Chief Apostle and Head of the Church, and from Him the apostolic anointing flows upon the apostles and all believers around the world. This is anointing of favor, for opportunities, the apostolic anointing opens doors and gates to cities, nations, communities, people groups, and opens hearts around you, and gives you favor with the lost, and gives you protection and provision to do apostolic ministry of the believer. The apostolic anointing is a key anointing to open hearts, and bring breakthrough in ministry, to break new grounds for Christ and His Kingdom. The apostolic anointing is the sending anointing, not only that apostles are sent, also believers and sent forth too. –(Heb. 3:1)

There is the apostolic ministry of the apostles, and then there is the apostolic ministry of the believers, you must see that every believer is called and is sent to give witness of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit; you must see that every believer has an apostolic ministry. –(Acts 11:19-30)

What is massing in the church is the sending anointing; it’s the apostolic anointing to move forth, to take ground, and to be fruitful and successful in witness and ministry for the glory of Christ and the increase of the Kingdom. –(Acts 13:1-4)

What does the Church need to be apostolic?

We need to give the leadership of the church over to the apostles.
The foundation of the Church must be apostles, and prophets.
We need new wineskins with new wines.
We need new apostolic congregations to be raised up.
We need the church in the home to be restore, the beginning of true biblical fellowship.
We need to create a place for the liberty of the Gifts of the Spirit.
The Saints need to be equipped and release into ministry.
We need to establish the church in the workplace.
We need to build the new apostolic city church and the city church.
We need to rise up new apostolic networks.
We need to pray for the apostolic anointing to be release upon all believers in Christ.
We need signs and wonders to flow like rivers of the Spirit.

Why to we need to release the apostolic anointing, in order to opening new doors, and new gates for the increase of the Kingdom of God. –(Acts 16:18-19)

The Kingdom of God will increase beginning with apostles, the apostolic anointing, the ministry of the kings, and the hearts of the believers, social transformations, and the outpourings of the Holy Spirit. –(Acts 2:17-18, 3:19-21)

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