Monday, February 08, 2010

The Beginning of the End of the Kingdom of Darkness

The Beginning of the End of the Kingdom of Darkness

Elvis Iverson

The Kingdom of God will increase, the Kingdom of Light will increase and fill the whole earth, and in every nation and every city however, the kingdom of darkness will decrease from nation to nation, from city to city, it will lose power and influence from nation to nation, from city to city, unlit its finial end at the return of Christ. –(Isa. 60)

Satan may be the god is this world, meaning the world system, but he was never the God of the earth. Satan came as an outlaw to force control upon the earth, he was never giving power over the earth from Adam’s sin, instead God give authority to His servants the prophets, although Adam lose his authority, God give that authority to the prophets, unlit the second Adam came, our Lord Jesus Christ then give and restore authority over the earth to the church. –(Eph. 2:2, Amos 3:7, Heb. 1:1-4, Matt. 28:18)

Satan is the god of the world system, God is and will always have authority over the earth, and God is the God of the earth. The Lord will fill the earth with His glory, the church is the salt of the earth, the earth belongs to God, and the church is the light to the world, the world system. –(Matt. 5:13-16)

God has called the church to spiritual warfare, this is a winning war, and we already won the major victory, we have the upper hand, and the kingdom of darkness is decreasing, and the Kingdom of Light is increasing. –(Eph. 6:11-12)

When you come to the Lord, you are born again, and wash in the blood of Christ, you are delivered from the power of darkness, and conveyed you into the Kingdom of the Son of His love. By the Blood of Christ the power of darkness has no more power over you, the power of the Blood of Christ is greater and darkness can never overcome the Blood of Christ, instead we have overcome darkness by the Blood of Christ. –(Col. 1:13)

At the Cross of Christ, Satan lost the war and all battles, satan and darkness are now in a losing battle, the kingdom of satan is decreasing, and the Kingdom of Christ is increasing, satan will not become the controlling force over the world, instead he is losing, and his final lost will come at the return of Christ. –(Col. 2:14-15)

Jesus has already won, He has giving us authority in the earth, we are kings and priests today, His Kingdom is increasing and the Church is increasing, our Lord Jesus Christ has the keys of Hades and of death. –(Rev. 1:18)

The end times is not about the antichrist, the one world order, the false prophet, or the great apostasy, satan will not have control over the nations in the end times, instead the Kingdom of Light will at that time have already increase in many nations, in many cities, most of the earth will be under the influence and domain of the Kingdom of God, most nations will be by that time when we come to the end times will already be free from the kingdom of darkness and be under the Kingdom of Light. –(Daniel, Matt, 23, 24, 2 Thess. 2, Revelation)

In the battle of Revelation 12, is a battle that has already happen, Jesus has already won, satan has loss the battle, we too can overcome by the blood of the Lamb, we already have freedom and we are no longer to fear satan or his kingdom of darkness, from the time at the Cross begun to beginning of the end of the Kingdom of Darkness, and at the return of Christ will be the end of the kingdom of Darkness. When Christ was seated at His Father’s right hand begin the kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God increase through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit, and the hearts of the believers and the ministry of the kings of the Kingdom, and the end times will be the beginning of the fullness of the Kingdom and at the return of Christ will begin the fullness of the Kingdom. –(Rev. 12, 12:11, Heb. 2:14-16)

Yes the devil is our adversary, and we are to stand together in spiritual warfare against him, there is spiritual warfare, but we are on the winning side. The thief in John 10:10 has been taking out, yes we are still in a war, but he is losing, we can have more abundantly life today. We are more likely warring against the other thieves, which are religious people under the influence of evil spirits. –(Jn. 10:10, 7-11)

All the enemies of the Lord will be brought under His footstool; this is a prophecy, and the church will take out most of the enemies of the Lord before the return of Christ, and at the return of Christ will be the finial end of darkness. –(Psa. 110, LK. 10:1,19, Matt. 10:1, 19:28)

The Kingdom of God has begun when Christ ascended, and was seated at the right hand of God that Father, thus begun the Kingdom of God on the earth, and the Kingdom of God will increase and fill the world earth, and the Church shall increase and become the city of God in every city around the earth. –(Matt. 16:18-19)

Satan’s end had already begun, but the day will come when the Lord will send an angel and cast Satan into the bottomless pit, and then Satan’s destiny is to be cast into the lake of fire forever. –(Rev. 20:1-3, 7-10)

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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