Monday, March 08, 2010

Revival Lands of America

Revival Lands of America

Elvis Iverson
February 26, 2010

I see America as I hover by the Spirit over this nation of hope. I hear the words destiny, destiny, destiny, then I see an outpouring of angelic hosts upon America.

Now I see a Vision of Los Angeles California:

I see a new culture revolution will come forth, it is like the Jesus movement, and this move is a discipleship movement that will come across over all America. I see the beaches of California come baptism waters for many who come to know the Lord.

I see an extreme revival break out in Los Angeles that sweeps the whole west coast, and western states.

I see the Holy Spirit pour upon South Los Angeles with holy fire.

Now I see a vision of center Florida:

I see a third revival come in great thunders and I see holiness and revival cover the southern states.

I see a vision of New York City, New York:

I see a great awakening coming that last many years. This awakening will sweep across America and around the world.

I see a vision of a great revival that come upon these lands, these lands will never be the same, never again.

I see a vision of Washington D.C.:

I see the rain of the Holy Spirit, I see an open Heaven.

I see the Spirit of Justice, the Spirit of judgment, the Spirit of Burning, the Spirit of holiness pour out in rivers of revival.

I see a vision of Michigan:

I see a massive harvest of souls, I see much restoration and healing, I see a signs and wonders revival.

I see a vision of mid center of America:

I see revivals, I see the fires of God, I see revivals of repentance, I see healing revival, and I see love revival. I see the whole center of America cover with holy fire and glory.

I see a vision of Texas:

I see great revival, I see apostolic revival, I see signs and wonders revival, I see harvests of souls; I see a river of unity.

I see Prophetic ecstasy revival sweeping first to southern states then sweeping across America.

I ask the Lord for more? He said it is only the beginning!

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