Divine Love Feasts of Fellowship
Elvis Iverson
December 16, 2010
In a vision I see the faithful company and what came forth from the faithful company was a team called the first team, and what will be there signs? All will be healed, the many dead will raise, there will be harvests of souls, the Presence of the Lord will come in a weight of glory, ecstatic, ecstasy, Bliss Gifts of God, the Nine Gifts of the Spirit, the signs of the apostles. This First Team went to many cities and many nations around the world.
Now I see a vision of divine love feasts of fellowship, as I look I see 26 networks of home churches in America, each with a center, I look at one of them in L.A. I see supernatural signs among the believers, I see prophecy, visions, dreams among the believers, I see the many healings of sick among the believers, and I see revival in the home church. I see 10,000 souls come to Christ.
Now I see a vision of Houston, I see a network of home churches with a center. I see signs of the apostles; I see revival in the center, and in the many home churches. I see the nine gifts of the Spirit, I see the bliss Gifts of God, and I see many signs and wonders. I see massive numbers come to the Lord, flowing like a holy river into the network of home churches. I see 10 million souls come to the Lord. I see continue outpouring of angelic hosts.
Now I see a vision of India, I see 40 networks of home churches with each having a center. I see many dead rise, I see three million souls come to the Lord. I see in a city called Bangalore I see 90 percent come to the Lord. I see revival raining like mighty water and wild day and night. I see a network of Home churches of 10,000 members. I see many healing waves come upon this network of fellowship.
I see a holy fellowship in Japanese have 50,000 members, I see 13 apostolic home churches networks each having a center. I see one million souls come to the Lord. I see signs and wonder revival.
I see a vision of Korea. I see one million souls come to the Lord, I see great unity among all believers in Christ. I see a revival of love and holiness coming throughout this nation. I see seven networks of home churches each having a center. I see each network over 10,000 members.
I see a vision of China I see much revival throughout the land. I see more then ten million souls come to the Lord. I see 50 networks of home churches, I see healing, miracles, signs and wonder among the believers.
I see a vision of more nations before me. I see 72 nations, I see outpouring upon them all an outpouring of signs and wonders. I see many networks of homes churches all over these nations. I hear an angel says this is only the beginning, God has plan much for His people.
Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, prophecy, Supplication International Ministries
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