Friday, March 30, 2012

The Coming Joel Armies

The Coming Joel Armies

Elvis Iverson
October 8, 2011

I hear the sound of a trumpet throughout the church, awakening the coming Joel armies, I then hear the same trumpet sounding in the earth, opening all doors and gates to the priests and kings of the Kingdom.

I see Jesus seated next to God the Father, I see before the seven burning lamps of fire, and see between the Trinity council comes the armies of kings and priests in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I see the glory that covers the face of the Father, I see the Father on His Throne, I see Jesus on His Throne Next to the Father, and I see the seven lampstands and seven burning fires, which is the seven Spirits of God, which is the Holy Spirit.

Father we pray in the name of Jesus we receive the presence of God, and we ask you to release the glory of God.

I see first waves of the Joel Armies come before the Throne God; I hear the Voice of the Son of God say go now and bring holy reformation to the Church. I see waves of apostles and prophets and those that with them.

I see the second waves of the Joel Armies come before the Throne of God; I hear the Voice of the Son of God say go now and bring social reformation, social love revolution, and social transformation, I see waves of church apostles, waves of marketplace apostles, waves of prophets, waves of kings going forth.

I see the third waves of the Joel Armies come before the Throne of God; I hear the Voice of the Son of God say go now and take the seven mountains of society. After that see waves of kings go forth, now I see waves of these third waves.

The first three waves are encamping around the seven mountains.

The fourth wave is prophets speak and prayer movements throughout the seven mountains.

The fifth, sixth, and seventh waves are moving upward on the seven mountains.

The eight waves are position and seating upon the seven mountains.

The ninth, tenth, 11 and 12 waves is favor on mountains.

The ways of third waves, third waves are divine changes and social reformation.

I see the fourth waves of the Joel Armies come before the Throne of God; I hear the Voice of the Son of God say go now and bring rivers of signs and wonders to the earth.

I see the fifth waves of the Joel Armies come before the Throne of God; I hear the Voice of the Son of God say go now and bring massive evangelism throughout the earth.

I see the sixth waves of the Joel Armies come before the Throne of God, I hear the Voice of the Son of God say go now and bring many revivals, great revivals, extreme revivals, massive revivals, waves of revivals, lasting revivals, resting revivals to the church first then bring many revivals to cities and nations and the earth.

I see the seventh waves of the Joel Armies come before the Throne of God, I hear the Voice of the Son of God say go no bring great peace, great unity, great oneness, great revelation, great revival, great grace, great power, great love to my church.

I then see as these seven waves of the Joel Armies comes before the Lord, then again came again before the Lord and again was sent out, they flow with the Seven Spirits of God flowing throughout the Church and the earth.

I hear the Voice of the Son of God say this is my way, this is my plan, this is my will, and hear what my apostles and prophets are saying.

Copyright © 2011 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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