Revolution of Love
Elvis Iverson
October 15, 2011
I see a vision of angelic hosts over many nations around the world, I see the Holy Spirit hovering over the whole earth, Now I see the Throne Room in the third heaven I see first anointing being pour out upon the church, I hear a voice say this is the anointing of the great awakening, then I see another bowl of anointing, I again here a voice say this is the anointing of great awakening for the earth, then I see this bowl of anointing being pour out upon the earth.
I see a vision of an angel standing before me, he is the angel of awakening, he says can you see the prayers of all the believers come before the Father in Heaven, then I see prayers coming from the church all over the earth, filling and overflowing a golden bowl of prayer before the Father and the Son, the angel of awakening says this bowl has been overflowing since year 2000. This is the bowl of prayer for moves of God, reformation, revivals, harvests of souls and more outpourings of the Spirit. Then I see other bowls of prayers, and the angel of awakening says when these bowls of prayer are filled, God begins to move on the behalf of the church. Then I see a great bowl of prayer, the angel of awakening says that is the prayers of Jesus, that bowl is always full and always overflowing. Then I hear the Voice of the Son of God say take the bowl of the High Priest, and add it to the other bowls of prayer before the Father so that all bowls of prayer will be filled and begin to overflow, so I did as Jesus said to do. Then Jesus says you can add my prayers to your prayers and then your prayers will come to pass soon.
This is the time of great prayer fulfillment; this is the time of great prophetic fulfillment!!!
I see the anointing of great awakening pour out upon the whole earth. I can hear people around the world begin to say and confess and declare God is real, I believe in God, there is only one God, Jesus Christ is real, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Jesus Christ is God. Let us go to the House of the Lord and hear the teachings of the Word of God.
I see a vision of the Great Mountain, which is the Kingdom of God, on that Mountain is the City of God, the Church, and I see the House of the Lord. I see the gates of city open always and the gates of the house of the Lord open always, and people from all over the earth coming to visit and hear the teachings of the Word of God. I see a group of apostles teaching Word Revelation, I see believers all over the church come, and I see great numbers of the earth come to hear the teachings of the apostles.
I see vision of Africa, I see the raising church apostles, marketplace apostles and the kings of the Kingdom of God come forth, and I see this all over the church. I see a river of great forces come forth this river is called social reformation! ! !
I see social reformation begin to come to the seven mountains of society; I see social revolutions begin to break forth; these are the revolutions of love. I see marketplace revival begin to come forth, I see more revivals begin to come forth, and I see social transformation begin to come as great floods over the seven mountains of society. I see mass harvests of souls come forth and even more revivals.
See what I see; hear what I hear, feel what I feel!!!
Social reformations coming like great rivers of divine change, and from them came great rivers of revolutions of love, and from them came marketplace revivals, and revivals, and from them came great floods of social transformations, and from them came mass harvests of souls, then came more revivals.
I also see a great apostolic revival come forth in the church and go around the earth seven times.
I see revolutions of love begin in Africa, go to China, go to Russia and the other states next to them, and then cover Europe, and the cover the whole earth.
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Labels: Elvis Iverson, prophecy, Supplication International Ministries, visions and dreams
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