Friday, February 27, 2015

Open Door To Revival

Open Door To Revival Elvis Iverson Come up here, can you hear the call to revival, hear the call to the Throne Room, the call to ecstasy, the call to fellowship with the Godhead, the call to the presence of the Lord, the call to visionary fellowship with God, the call to the outpourings of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit and the Bride says come, the Voice of the Spirit is one, the Voice of the Bride is one, and Voice of the Spirit and the Bride are one in Christ saying come to the Throne Room, Come to revival, enter into revival, enter into the coming revivals. –(Rev.4: 1, 22:17) The door of revival is already open, the door to revival has always been open, and you need the revelation of revival to enter into revival, meaning you need faith for revival. Come up Here is the calling to revival, the calling to enter into revival, the door to revival is already open, and Christ has prepared the way for revival. The prophetic vision of revival is in Revelation 21, 22 and the application of revival is in Ephesians 2:19-22. Revelation 4: 1 is Revelation 21, 22, and Revelation 4:1 is Ezekiel 1, Revelation 21, 22 is Ezekiel 40, and Revelation 21, 22 and Ezekiel 40 is Isaiah 60. This is what the Lord wants for each believer, this is what the Lord wants for the church in every city, this is what the Lord wants for the whole church around the earth. Our Lord Jesus Christ holds the key of David, and has open the Door of Revival, the Door to Revival, He has prepared the way for revival, revivals, many revivals, lasting revivals, all revivals, and revival life for you, it is yours in Christ. –(Rev. 3:7-8) The Door to revival is open, the only thing you need to do, is open your heart to the Lord and revival, for the LORD is the LORD of REVIVAL. Then enter into the door of revival. Revival is in the Throne Room, and revival is in your heart, and revival is in the fellowship of the Church. –(Rev. 3:20) The Door of revival is open to you, open your heart and enter into revival. Revival is a gift from the father, it is a gift of grace, it is a free gift, and you only need to ask the Father for the gift of Revival, for revival is a gift from the Father. –(LK. 11:13) Enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ, come up here, enter into revival by the Blood of Christ, you can have revival by the Blood of Christ, not good works, instead by the Blood of Christ. –(Heb. 10:19) The Lord will remove all false mountains, and hindrances to true and lasting revival, revival comes by grace, only shout grace, grace, only speak grace, grace, revival comes by grace, and you flow and fellowship, live, and keep revival by grace. –(Zech. 4:7) Let us come to the Lord and seek the Lord, seek His Kingdom, Seek His Church, and seek for revival, pray for revival and don’t give up, He wants you to have revival. –(LK. 11:5-13) Ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit, ask for the gift of revival, and pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire, pray for the baptism of fire, pray for the baptism of revival fire. –(Matt. 3:11-12) Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


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