Thursday, May 21, 2015

Time of the Rainbow

Time of the Rainbow Elvis Iverson August 13, 2012 I see a vision of rivers of supernatural manifestations coming from the Throne Room in the Third Heaven; I see a vision of rivers of supernatural manifestations flowing of from hearts of many believers from around the earth. I hear prophetic prayers coming from nations around the earth; I see apostolic prayers coming forth from nations around the earth. I see a vision of a company for believers; the number will grow and grow, and increase until it is five million this company is in two groups the first group are ministers around the age of 30 coming with signs and wonders, and planting home churches in many cities, and teaching and preaching with holy fire and holy rain. The second group are ministers around the age 60 to 65, they come forth teaching and ministering healing, walking in divine healing, they too plant many home churches and minister in signs and wonders. Now I see a company of 72 men and women they are called apostles coming with signs and wonders, Word Revelation, revival and reformation and harvest. Ministering in Fire, Water, Wine, Oil, and Wind of the Spirit. They plant apostolic networks and many home churches all over the earth. From this group came a small group of apostles and prophets join them, this small group was apostles of glory and power, timeless apostles, their number was 26. Now I see a group come forth they are prophets, called soaking prophets, they come with rain and the ministry of the cloud and of the fire. Now I see a big company, a global company of children, teenagers, and young adult, seeking God and praying, prophecies, worship, witnesses, and soaking in God. I see a massive number of prayer companies rise in many nations, greater then we see now, and worshipers join them, and prophets join them, and apostles join them, and over these gatherings are clouds of the presence of God. I see a group of apostles and prophets come forth to bring reformation and repentance, this group was not a big group, and was not a small group, but they were only a certain number. I see a company of many marketplace kings come forth into much wealth to minister to the first groups and companies. They were just beginning, for the day will come that great wealth will flow throughout the church. Now I see massive outpourings of angelic hosts upon the church, upon the earth, upon the world, upon groups of nations, upon cities, and upon these groups and companies. Copyright © 2012 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


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