Thursday, May 07, 2015

Positive Church Experience

Positive Church Experience Elvis Iverson We are in a holy reformation, these are the days of reformation, reformation is on the heart of God, and reformation must first come to the church, before social transformation can come to the earth, cities and nations around the world. As reformation comes to the church, revival will follow reformation. As reformation comes to the church revival will come to the nations, as reformation comes to the church social transformation will come to cities and nations, as reformation comes to the church revival will follow reformation and come to the church and then revival will come to cities and nations, revival will come to cities and nations, social transformation will come to cities and nations, and revival will come before and follow social transformation. And before and after and during each revival, social transformation, and the holy reformation harvest will come. Beyond this God’s will is for restoration of all things beginning with the church, then all cities and all nations, and then Israel, and even more beyond the restoration of all things. My Mission purpose is reformation, revival, social transformation, and healing of the nations, restoration of many generations, restoration of all things, harvest, and Throne Room Experience, demonstration of power, and the unity of the faith, Restoration of Israel, and the Eternal Purpose. Visit our web sites to read more articles! It is time to bring restoration and healing to the church, that every believer can have a positive church experience! To have congregations of love and fellowship. Positive Church Experience Number One: Discipleship, that babes in Christ, and young believers can go through proper discipleship so that they can grow proper and mature in Christ and stand as Christians in all times. –(Matt. 28:19-20) Every believer to be rooted and built up in Him, and establish in the faith, as you have been taught, and abounding in it, with thanksgiving. –(Col. 2:6-7) The Christian Life begins with: 1. Received Christ Jesus the Lord. 2. So walk in Him. 3. Establish in the faith. 4. Rooted in Him. 5. Built up in Him. 6. Abounding in it. 7. With thanksgiving. 8. As you have been taught. These eight steps are the beginning of a Christian life, if babes in Christ and Young Christians don’t have these eight steps down, it will take longer for them to walk in victory, live an overcoming life, enjoy the more abundantly life, and mature as a believer. 1. Walk in Victory: live the victory of the Christ. 2. Overcoming Life: overcome all things. 3. Enjoy the Abundantly life: Flow in all the blessings of the Lord. 4. Mature as a Believer: grow, become strong, being fruitful and a role model for others to follow. Positive Church Experience Number Two: Equipping of the saints, believers are to do the work of the ministry, the five ministers of Christ are to prepare and equipped the believers and empower and release them into ministry. All believers are priest, the ministries of grace are to release and empower them to be functional priests in Christ. –(Eph. 4:12, 1 Pet. 2:5,9) Positive Church Experience Number Three: Biblical Fellowship, the fellowship of believers in the church in the homes, home fellowship and the one another ministry, praying for one another, ministering to one another, sharing with one another, fellowship and loving one another, and flowing in worship. –(1 Cor. 14:26) Positive Church Experience Number Four: Building you on the love of God, and the love of one another, first to love God and then second to love one another. Experience the love of God, and experience the love of believers. –(Matt. 22:37-39) Positive Church Experience Number Five: Experience the Kingdom of God beginning with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, and the power of God, and liberty of Christ and of the Spirit, and going from glory to glory. –(Rom. 14:17, 1 Cor. 4:20, 2 Cor. 3:17) Positive Church Experience Number Six: the experience of each one flowing in revelation, teaching, gifts of the Spirit, prophecy, that all will have edification, exhortation, and comfort and that the church will have edification and excel. –(1 Cor. 14:26, 12, 3) Positive Church Experience Number Seven: the experience of growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. –(2 Pet. 3:18) Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


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