Friday, April 10, 2015

From Spirit to Spirit then to many Rivers

From Spirit to Spirit then to many Rivers Elvis Iverson Each believer born of the Spirit has a living well of living water, we as believers are to allow this living water to fill us and to overflow, we are to be full of living water, and we are to overflow with living water. As we flow in living water, we are to flow in worship, and worship the Father in Spirit and Truth, for the Spirit Filled Life lives in worshiping the Father in Spirit and in Truth. It is through the living water we worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. Then when we have the baptism of the Holy Spirit Rivers of the Spirit flow from us, rivers of life, rivers of living water flows from us to minister to those around us. We are to live in the overflow of living waters and we are to release and flow with the living rivers of life. –(Jn. 4:10, 13,14,23-24, 7:37-38) The Life of the Spirit first begins when we are Born of the Spirit and then when the Holy Spirit rest upon us through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, then we must learn to release the rivers of the Spirit, you may begin with one river or two, as time goes on more rivers of the Spirit are release into your life to minister to others around you. These are names of the Holy Spirit, and they are rivers of the Spirit. –(Isa. 11:2, Rev. 4:5) We are to be filled with the Holy Spirit; it is a command to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Filled with the Holy Spirit and full of the Holy Spirit, this is why we need a refilling of the Holy Spirit from day to day, from week to week. How are we filled with the Spirit, by Asking for a refilling of the Holy Spirit, praying to be filled with the Holy Spirit, praying to be full of the Holy Spirit, and praying in the Spirit. We are not only to be filled with the Spirit but also to overflow with the Spirit. –(Eph. 5:18) We are to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and we are to pray for the outpourings of the Holy Spirit, we are to pray for outpouring upon the church, city church, cities, nation and our lives, we are to pray for each of these rivers of the Spirit to be release and poured out. –(Acts 2:17-18) First pray for the river of Spirit of grace and the river of the Spirit of supplication to flow and to be release into your life. –(Zech. 12:10) Second as you flow with first two rivers, then pray to flow with the next two rivers, rivers of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation. Again I will say as you flow with the first two rivers, you then will begin to flow with these next two as you pray for them to be release. –(Eph. 1:17-18) Third pray to flow in the river of the Spirit of judgment and the river of the Spirit of burning, the river of the Spirit of life, and the river of the Spirit of justice. –(Isa. 4:4, Rom. 8:2, Isa. 28:5-6) We go from Faith to faith, Strength-to-Strength, grace-to-grace, and glory-to-glory, river-to-river, we also go from river to river, rivers to rivers, rivers to many rivers. As you pray and release the first two rivers of Spirit, you go to the next two rivers, as you flow with them you come to the next rivers of the Spirit. Pray, release, flow and learn! Fourth pray to flow in the river of the Spirit of prophecy, I believe all believers are to flow in prophecy and the Spirit of prophecy. –(Rev. 19:10) Fifth Pray to flow in the river of the Spirit of power, river of the Spirit of love and the river of the Spirit of sound mind. –(2 Tim. 6-7) Sixth pray to flow in the river of the Spirit of Might, river of the Spirit of understanding, river of the Spirit of council, river of the Spirit of knowledge. –(Isa. 11:2) Seventh pray to flow in the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord and the Spirit of Holiness. –(Isa. 11:2, Rom. 1:7) Eight as you have pray, release, flow and learn, now pray to flow in the river of the Spirit of Glory. –(1 Pet. 4:14) Furthermore, from the river of Spirit, to rivers of Spirit, to more rivers of the Spirit, then to many rivers of Spirit, and even more rivers of the Spirit. Pray! Release! Flow! Learn! If you like these articles visit our Web Sites. Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


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