Friday, March 13, 2015
Restoration of LOST REVIVALS
Elvis Iverson
In Zechariah Four the Lord sent the angel of awakening to me, to speak about a revival, and that he just released, a beginning of a revival in Lakeland. I believe the revival in Lakeland was a true move of God, I believe this was the beginning and this revival will prepare the way for others.
The Lakeland Revival is an unfinished work, and the work will be brought to completion. The Lakeland revival is not over. The Lord called the Lakeland revival the capstone revival.
The mantle of the Capstone Revival will be place upon others; we will see these revival times revived and awaken.
The restoration of lost revivals is beginning, this too is a move of God, God wall restore all the wells of revival, and God will bring new revival rivers to the Church and the earth. The restoration of lost revivals will begin with the restoration of the capstone revival.
Just think, remember and study the past revivals how most of them where short lived, but now we have come to the restoration of all lost revivals. Every revival will come to the there fullness and fulfill there written destiny.
We must be knowledgeable about the kinds of revivals, and begin to believe and pray them forth.
This is a new day for revival. In the past times of revival, those revivals were still in certain times of restoration in the church history, since the restoration of apostles and prophets the foundations for reformation is being laid, and reformation is being laid foundations FOR MANY REVIVALS, LASTING REVIVALS AND REVIVAL LIFE.
You must know God’s will about revival and the church, His will is for the church never to be without revival. –(Acts 2:17-18)
We will learn in time how to live, flow, fellowship, maintain revival, this will take time.
In Revelation 21, 22 is the vision of revival there are foundation stones revivals, revival at the wall, revivals at the gates, revivals of the city of God, and revival rivers flowing to cities and nations.
We will have continues revival, we will have lasting revivals, and we will have resting revivals.
We will see the fullness of revival, we will walk, dwell and play in the fullness of revival, when we come to the point of fullness of revival, we will enjoy and live and feast in the Lord in revival.
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