Friday, March 06, 2015

From Glory to Glory and Grace for Grace

From Glory to Glory and Grace for Grace Elvis Iverson August 14, 2012 I see a vision of a great cloud coming to the earth, I here the Voice of the Son of God say it is time for rain, it is time for glory, it is time for revival, it is time of the restoration of glory and revival. Then I see another vision of clouds, many clouds of glory and revival coming across time and space from the Throne Room to the earth. I see the church across the earth, the Bride of Christ; I see these clouds coming upon the Bride of Christ covering her with the glory and revival of the Lord. You could see the body of Christ cover all over with glory and revival. Then I see the earth, I see many cities across the earth, and I see clouds of glory and revival coming to each of these cities. I hear the Voice of the Son of God say it is time for the restoration of glory and revival, and the church never to be without glory and revival never again!!!! I hear the Voice of the Son of God say the church shall never again be without revival, and there shall never be a time between revivals, it will be from revival to revival, before one revival comes to an end the other will begin. I hear the Voice of the Son of God say the church shall go from glory to glory, filling with glory until full of glory, until overflowing with glory, and then from more glory to even more glory, for the church shall go from glory to glory, for it is grace for grace that the glory shall come and always be upon the church. I now see a vision of western Washington, I will do a great work in Washington, and I will create a wall of revival that will not go out, I will build a company of churches and groups that will carry the ark of revival in this land. I will touch Seattle, Vancouver, and Portland. I will bring my torch of revival to Los Angeles, Phoenix, Houston, and Atlanta, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Charlotte, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, Rochester, Toronto, Winnipeg, Cleveland, Columbus, Nashville, Knoxville, St. Louis, Kansas City, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Denver, and Boise. I see their cities; I see clouds of glory and revival coming to them, I see floods of rain of the Spirit upon these cities. I see a cloud of glory and fire coming to Washington D.C. I see clouds of glory; fire, wine, and revival go to Europe, United Kingdom, Ireland, Russia and neighboring countries, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Hawaii. Now I see a vision of many cities and many nations, I hear the sound of many voices praying let the revival fall upon us and our cities and nations, I hear the Voice of God the Father say yes and amen. I see revival in many cities and in many nations around the earth. I hear the Voice of the SON of God say this is just the beginning, many more, upon many more, upon many more revivals are coming!!! Copyright © 2012 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


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