Friday, April 03, 2015
Ecstatic Worship
Elvis Iverson
Come up here, do you not hear the call to the Throne Room, to the Third Heaven. It is time overflow with Throne Room Experiences, Throne Encounters, and the supernatural pleasures of Jesus Christ. You can for real by real faith enter into the Throne Room by the Blood and worship, pray, fellowship in the Throne Room for real! The Spirit and the Bride says come to the water of life. Hear the call and flow in the call, for the call is a river of supernatural fellowship and love. Give Him your yokes and burdens and flow in revelation worship and ecstatic worship, and deep worship. Enter into rest, enter into the Throne Room, and enter into deep worship. The door has already been open, and the Lord is knocking upon the door of your heart, the door is open, now open the door of your heart and flow in the love worship. –(Rev. 4:1)
Enter into the Throne Room by the Blood, enter into rest, enter into the Throne Room by faith, enter into the open door, open your heart to deep worship, and deep fellowship in the Throne Room.
Come now and see by faith, then see by vision the Throne Room, soak in the presence of the Lord for hours, overflow with the holy intoxication and flow in prophecy, visions, trances, and raptures and deep worship in real visions of God.
Come up here, obey the call of grace and love, our Lord Jesus Christ has already open the door for you, but now you must open the door of your heart. –(Rev. 4:1, 3:7-8)
Prophets and worship goes hand on hand, prophets are worshipers, and a true prophet is a passionate worshiper. Worship ministry and the prophet’s flows like honey together. All prophets have worship anointing and all worship ministers have a prophetic anointing for worship, and all believers have a worship anointing and a prophetic anointing. What a congregation needs is prophetic worship leaders, worship leaders with prophetic anointing, or worship leaders who have a prophetic calling in worship. So we can flow in prophetic worship, prayer worship, and devotional worship. Prophetic worship flows with revelation. A healthy congregation flows in a overflow of prophetic worship. Prayer, worship and prophetic goes together and is powerful when we bring them together by the leading of the Lord. But all believers are to flow in prophetic worship leading to more and beyond worship in ecstasy.
With the outpourings of the Holy Spirit comes an outpouring of prophecy, visions, and dreams upon all believers. Let us flow in prophecy, visions and ecstasy in worship! All believers are to flow in the Spirit of prophecy, and Spirit of Prophecy flows with worship, let us flow in prophecy and worship together. –(Acts 2:17-18, Rev. 19:10)
Let us come into visions, revelations, and ecstasy in worship, during worship and while we are in ecstasy let us worship. –(2 Cor. 12:2)
Come up here, come to the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ, enter into rest, see by faith, and then see by vision, come into visions and ecstasy, and ecstatic worship.
Let us see by faith, then see by vision, mediation, prophetic mediation, visualization, prophetic visualization, imagination, Sanctified imaginations, prophetic imaginations, to supernatural visions, supernatural encounters, to worship in a trance, to worship leading to trances. To flow in a river of worship and trances. –(Acts 10)
Soaking in the presence of the Lord, waiting in the presence of the Lord, flowing in visions and worship, and overflow in a river of holy intoxication, entering into deep worship and ecstatic worship, and entering into ecstasy in worship, entering into worship in ecstasy and both at the same time.
Abiding in and flow in, and burning in feelings of faith, hope, love, joy and peace, in ecstatic worship.
Now enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ, and see by faith, then see by vision, and to worship the Lord in faith, in vision, in ecstasy! –(Heb. 10:19, 11:1)
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