Friday, March 27, 2015

Sweeping Revivals and Glory

Sweeping Revivals and Glory Elvis Iverson August 16, 2012 I see a vision of the church in many cities and in many nations, I see pillars of fires and pillars of clouds in these cities and nations, I see clouds hovering over these cities and nations, I hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit saying do you believe what you see? Do you believe what you hear? Do you believe what I have said? Do you believe my prophets? Do you believe my apostles? Do you believe the prophecies of the Epic Cast? Faith has its own reward! Unbelief has no reward! I hear the Voice of the Son of God saying no more will they stand in my way, no more will I have to put up with there actions against me and my church, no more will I allow them to stand in the ways of the Spirit of God!!! I hear the Voice of God the Father saying no more the church shall be without revival, they shall always have revival!!! I see a vision of western Washington; I see angels of fire visiting the saints and saying revival will come are you ready? I see a new breed of leadership, a new breed of church, and I see a new breed of believers in unity. I see a meeting that will last for three months, I see a meetings that will last for seven days, I see meetings that will last for a month, and I see meetings lasting more then a year!!! I see a house of prayer arise with seven flames of fire burning day and night, a house not of one group, instead the whole body, a house where my apostles will seat at the gates and speak to one another, and my prophets will seat at the gates and speak to one another, my worshipers and my prayer servants will come and minister to me day and night. I will come down, I will manifested, I will pour out, I will overflow, I will flood the church and my people, and cities and land of this region. I see a vision of Minneapolis, Minnesota, I see a house that shall be build, and my worshipers shall come and my prayer servants shall come and minister to me, my apostles and my prayers seat at the gates speaking to one another, I will come down, and I will manifested, I will pour out, I will set a fire, I will show myself, I will overflow, I will flood my church, my people, this city and land. I see seven cities that my fire will begin to burn and spread and sweep this nation; Seattle Washington, Phoenix Arizona, Minneapolis Minnesota, Kansas City, Kansas, Houston Texas, Orlando Florida, and Baltimore Maryland. Copyright © 2012 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


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