Friday, April 10, 2015

The Movements of the Seven Watchers

The Movements of the Seven Watchers Elvis Iverson August 14, 2012 I see a vision of the Seven Watchers before the Throne ROOM and the Church, they are blowing trumpets, and from their trumpets poured anointing upon the church and the earth. I see the outpouring of the Seven Spirits of God upon the church and the earth. Now I see the seven watchers say let us go now and minister to the church in America, I hear breakthroughs, freedom, liberty, peace, order, blessings, anointing, wealth, and revival. I hear the Holy Spirit say it is time for restoration of many generations; it is time for the restoration of generational blessings. It is time for healing and restoration of many, it is time for restoration and healing of the church, it is time for restoration and healing of people groups, it is time for restoration and healing of the children, it is time for healing and restoration of the youth and young adults, and it is time for healing and restoration of all ages, and it is time for restoration and healing of cities and land. I see the seven watchers go to the church of North Korea to minister to the church and nation. I hear freedom, I hear freedom, I hear restoration, I hear revival, and I hear joy and happiness. I see the seven watchers go to the church in China to minister to the church and the nation. I hear freedom, I hear restoration, I hear movements of God, I hear rivers of the Spirit, I hear showers of blessings, and I hear the anointing pouring over all. I see the seven watchers go to minister to the church and the nation of Japan. I hear reformation, I hear harvest, I hear healing, I hear signs and wonders, I hear revival, and I hear the sound of many rains of the Spirit. I see the Seven Watchers return to the Third Heaven to give glory to Christ, and stand watch before the Throne Room and the Church. over the Church, Israel, and the earth. Copyright © 2012 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


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