Steps to Supernatural Promotion
Elvis Iverson
The Will of the Lord is for each believer to have success, prosperity, and the more abundantly life. God bless you that through you others may be blessed, and God bless others that through them you may be blessed, it is called pass on the blessing. The Bible talks about showers of blessings “WOW” the Lord wants us blessed and living in blessing, and to showing the world that God is the God of blessing. –(Jn. 10:10, Ezek. 34:26)
Each person is on a journey through a process of steps leading us to the fulfillment of purpose in Christ. Each one of us need to surrender to the Lord’s process, you must set your trust in Him, and live out your life as if you trust Him with your our whole life, which you do, Amen. –(Prov. 3:5-6)
Renewing of your Mind with the Holy Scriptures, prayer, Word Revelation, prophetic revelation, vision, insight, Holy Spirit leading, we could know the will of the Lord for our life, meaning His purposes, plans and vision for our life. It is the will of the Lord for each believer to know the will of God for him or her. –(Eph. 1:17-18, Col. 1:9-11)
The word of the Lord that has been giving to you will test you. Joseph was a man of purpose, vision and destiny however he had to be tested by the word of the Lord giving to him. Each believer will be tested and you have to pass these tests, above all call out for His grace. If we have His grace it will help us to overcome a test, this is why with each test you need to seek Him for His grace. –(Psa. 105:17-19, Heb. 4:16)
We will go through tests to reach the place of release in our destiny, each test must be pass, or you will have to retake those tests over, and over again if you don’t pass them. You must pass all these tests in order to enter into your destiny. However, the Lord has made a way that is sample for you to pass these tests. How do we pass these tests? 1. Humility, humble yourselves. 2. Pray through each process. 3. Learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. 4. Pray for wisdom and revelation to pass your tests. 5. Ask for grace in time of need, ask for mercy in time of need. 6. Have faith, set your mind on the vision that God has giving you. 7. Enter into rest and have peace. –(1 Pet. 1:7, Jam. 1:3)
Besides, the Lord is the God of promotion; promotion comes from the Lord alone. We are seeking promotion from the Lord. It is He who will raise us up, and promote us in our destiny. If we believe we will see supernatural promotion in our life. –(Psa. 75:6-7)
The ten steps to supernatural promotion:
1. The step of vision: every believer needs to have a vision for there life. Vision will keep us on task in the journey and life of destiny. Vision will keep us in faith and hope.
2. The step of revelation: We are to pray for revelation, and wisdom. Revelation can give us keys, open doors, and show us the way. We need both Word revelation, and prophetic revelation in our life in our calling of destiny in Christ.
3. The step of learning to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit: each believer is to know and understand the voice of the Holy Spirit, more you learn, more the better. Learning His voice today will help you to hear Him in the time of destiny that is coming soon for you.
4. The step of devotional and prayer life: each believer is growing in devotional and prayer with the Lord. Devotion life builds your human spirit; prayer life moves you forth in faith to your destiny.
5. The Step of suffering and patience: as you learn to have a better outlook toward suffering, as you learn through times of suffering, suffering will move you forth through time, if you learn from these times of suffering. Patience is the foundation to character, as you become a person of patience you will begin to move forth in the supernatural. Patience is a key to the supernatural.
6. The Step of learning to rest and have peace: In order to enter into the day of promotion, and into the door of destiny you must learn to rest and enter into rest. Learning to have peace in every day, every place, and through all things. Peace is not controlling your world; peace is trusting in God when things don’t go your way. You need to mature to a level of peace that is needed for your destiny.
7. The step of enjoying the presence of God: enjoying the presence of God is what really matters in this world. The more you love the presence of the Lord, and the more you have passion for the presence of the Lord, the more you will be ready for destiny, that you might always have a heart after the Lord in all things, and that you might have the heart of God.
8. The Step of anointing: The anointing that the Lord has giving you will raise you up into your destiny. Learn to flow in the anointing that the Lord has giving you. As you learn to flow freely in the anointing giving to you, you will be ready for your destiny.
9. The step of character: as you become a person of character, you need to have the kind of character to carry your destiny.
10. The Step of humility and meekness: As the Lord teaches you humility you will grow to a level of humility that is needed for your destiny. As you grow in meekness you will become more teachable and willing to work with others and learn the need for the others that is needed for the future ministry of destiny.
Above all it His grace and mercy; we are to pray for His grace and mercy to overcome and to enter into destiny. Learn the need for His grace and mercy is the most importation process in the journey to destiny. –(Heb. 4:16)
The journey to your destiny will not take long if you apply these steps, the life is not to be the journey to destiny, instead the journey of destiny. The Lord has a future of hope for you; there is hope for your life. Trust the Lord with the future of your life. –(Jer. 29:11, Prov. 3:5-6)
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, grace, Holy Spirit, suffering, Supplication International Ministry, vision
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