Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Ministry of Wealth

The Ministry of Wealth

Elvis Iverson

This is the beginnings days of the transferring of wealth, the Lord is establishing this transfer connection in the church, and they are rivers of wealth. It is a restoration of wealth. We need wealth to harvest the lost, fulfill the Great Commission, build the church, build the city church, build the Kingdom of God, and for rebuilding of the nations and cities around us. –(Hag. 1:2,8,2:7-9)

There is an angel called the minister of finance, he is over the rivers of wealth that flow into the church and lives of beilevers for Kingdom purposes, there are other angels working along with these rivers of wealth, or rivers of transfers of wealth. –(Mal. 3:10)

The Lord is establishing the bridge of transfer of wealth. This is bridge between the church and the marketplace in the world. Wealth will flow into the church, and blessings, peace, mercy, and healing will flow into the world. –(Isa. 60)

The Lord in His wisdom is rising up ministers of wealth; they are the workplace believer, business believer, the wealthy believer, Marketplace apostles and church apostle in addition, there will be those like Cyrus; wicked persons led by the Lord to aid the church. –(Prov. 15:6, Prov. 13:22)

One thing that the Lord has said to me that this is the day of the Christian Tycoon. Some will become wealthy in a short time; however they were train over time, and most will become wealthy through Kingdom wealth building. These are believers who have a vision to aid the work of the Lord, and vision to build wealth for the Kingdom purposes. –(Deut. 8:18)

They are becoming wealthy not to wear the wealth, instead to have a best harvest of souls. Some will become wealthy to aid the planting of congregations, some will become wealthy to aid the planting of apostolic city churches, some will be wealthy to aid apostolic networks and ministries, some will become wealthy for missionary work, and some will become wealthy for compassion and mercy works around the world. –(Deut. 8:18)

What do you mean? Can they not enjoy their labor, yes! But with moderation, most you will invest, and then minister certain amounts for Kingdom purposes. Then you are not only will have wealth on the earth you, also will have wealth in heaven. –(1 Tim. 6:17-19)

In addition, there is the wealth that will flow into the hands of church apostles. This wealth is not theirs it belongs to the Lord and His purposes. A servant of the Lord can receive a reasonable honor pay for their services of the Lord, but we should not get rich of the giving of the church. If you receive finances through other kinds of labor then it is reasonable, instead with church giving, and wealth that will come through giving, must be handle with honor. –(1 Tim. 6:9-12)

Marketplace apostles will be leaders in the ministry of wealth. They will minister apolitically in teaching and preaching, in apostolic works, in signs and wonders, they will govern apolitically in the marketplace, and they will minister apolitically in the ministry of wealth. –(Rom. 1:5)

One of the prophetic revelations the Lord give me about the Holy Spirit is that He is the Lord of the Harvest and He is the Lord of Wealth since He brings in the harvest of souls, and also brings in the harvest of wealth. We believe this and pray so in faith. The Holy Spirit is the Minister of Wealth along with His ministers He is raising in these beginning days of Wealth Rivers. He has the Ministry of Wealth to the Church and the Kingdom. We are to believe and access into His ministry in our generation of wealth and the futures generations of wealth to come. –(Matt. 9:38)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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