Friday, April 04, 2008

Restoration of the Seven Feasts of the Lord

Restoration of the Seven Feasts of the Lord

Elvis Iverson

We have entered into the forerunner restorations to prepare the way of the spiritual restoration of Israel, Israel has already been restore as a nation, now we are coming to the time of their spiritual restoration to the Lord. Spiritual Israel is Israel who has returned to the Lord, the church of Israel is the Jewish believers and non-Jewish believers living in Israel, and it is the Jewish believers around the world. A spiritual Jew is a Jew who has return to their Messiah. There will be a holy union and oneness between the Church and Israel. The Messianic Jew and the Gentile believers in Christ will be one in Christ. –(Eph. 2:14-18)

The Lord in His wisdom and council will rise up the new Messianic Apostolic Church in Israel, He will raise up modern day Messianic Jewish apostles and prophets, that will network with Gentile apostles and prophets, and this will be a beginning of the restoration of the union and oneness between Israel and the Church. –(Matt. 10:5-8)

All of Israel will be saved, they will return all to their Messiah, our Lord and their Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. There will be revival in Israel, that will be a great revival, and that will go to the whole world, and cover the whole church. –(Rom. 10:1)

Now in our time, the Lord to restoring the Torah, the Sabbath, and the Feats of the Lord, this will prepare the way for the spiritual restoration of Israel, when all of Israel will come to know the Lord. We cannot have a restoration between Israel and the Church, if we don’t first prepare the way, by returning to the Messianic Jewish roots of the Church. –(Rom. 15:4-6)

The Hebraic Culture is the environment and world of the Bible, Hebraic Culture is the culture of the Bible, and Hebraic Culture is biblical culture; The Lord throughout many years give a more pure culture then any other culture in the world, Hebraic Culture came from the Torah. Hebraic Culture is Kingdom culture, and it is the culture where the Lord came to earth through, to bless us all. –(Matt. 5:17-20)

The Early Church and the first centuries of the church both Messianic Jews and Gentile believers both took part in the Sabbath, and the Seven Feats of the Lord, the Bible of the New Testament was the Old Testament, was the Torah. The Apostle Paul believed in partaking in the Seven Feats of the Lord. We as Gentile believers are giving freedom, and we can partake freely and willingly, it is not a command to Gentile believers, however the Gentile believers did celebrate the feasts of the Lord, it was when the church become a religion, a state religion, that they no longer partake in the feasts, I believe this was one of the signs of the great apostasy. –(1 Cor. 5:6-8)

The Great Apostasy came for the reasons: the lack of apostolic leaders, the end of the church in your home, hindering the believer’s priesthood, the lost of the prophetic voice, the lost of Messianic Jewish Roots, the arising of Christian religion, and the state-religion, and the lost of the teaching of the Word of God. Although this was the Great Apostasy, there was progression, for many came to become Christians, and now we come to the day of the restoration of the Torah, Feasts and Messianic Hebraic Roots are going to be restore to the church. –(2 Thess. 2:1-12)

In the New Testament Church in the Book of Acts, you can clearly see a New Testament Messianic Hebraic Roots, that the church today needs to be restored too. The New Testament Apostles, and believers believed in the Torah, the Sabbath, and the Seven Feasts of the Lord. This is the one of the foundations that the Lord wants to restore in our time, however it is going to be greater. –(Acts 2:46)

In the seven feats of the Lord and the Sabbath there is the cycle of blessings, that Lord wants to restore in our time, The Sabbath brought the weekly cycle of blessings and the seven feasts of the Lord brought the yearly cycle of blessings. –(Ex. 23:14-17, 1 Cor. 5:7-8)

Christians should enjoy the Sabbath, the Sabbath is on Sunday, it is a day of rest, the application of the Sabbath is open to us, as long as you don’t do thinks that are work toward you, instead do what you enjoy on that day, the Lord made the Sabbath for man, it was not to be a bondage to man, instead a day of rest and enjoyment. –(Ezek. 20:12, MK. 2:23-28)

Yes Christians are free to worship the Lord everyday, we are free to gather in homes, for the church meetings, and we are free to gather in center places for the ministry meetings. –(Acts 2:40-47)

The Seven Feasts of the Lord, are fulfilled in our Lord Jesus Christ, we are to celebrate and partake in them, in remembers of what the Lord has already done for us, and what He will do for us, and the Seven Feasts are prophetic in that Christ fulfilled them and that their will be fulfilled in end time Bible prophecy. –(Ex. 23:14-17, 1 Cor. 5:7-8)

The seven feasts of the Lord are: the feast of Passover “redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, the feats of Pentecost: the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the feats of Trumpets, the day of Atonement, the feats of Tabernacles, feast of Unleavened Bread and the feast of First Fruits. –(Ex. 23:14-17)

There is a connection between the Lord’s Supper and the Feasts of the Lord, I think that they became one and the same, and they are one in Christ. The first Lord’s Supper was to celebrate the feast of Passover and the Blood of the New Covenant. The truth is that the early church Lord’s Supper was more a dinner and coming together to eat and fellowship together. We need a restoration of the Lord’s Supper in coming together for fellowship and eating together. –(Matt. 26:26-30, 1 Cor. 11:17-34, Matt. 26:17-25)

To the Jews and Messianic Jews it is a command to celebrate the Sabbath and the Feats of the Lord, but for us Gentile believers we are not commanded, we are free to celebrate or not to celebrate, it is up to the desire of our heart, when we celebrate them, we are to celebrate freely and willingly. –(Col. 2:16)

The application of the Sabbath and the feast of the Lord are open to the Gentile believers, we should follow a simple application, such as apply the seven feasts of the Lord to the Lord’s Supper in eating and fellowship, and on the Sabbath not to do what we think is work, instead do what we enjoy. –(Col. 2:16)

Nevertheless, I recommend you to study the Seven Feast of the Lord, and the Torah, and the Jewish roots, and the Messianic Hebraic roots of the Church. –(Rom. 15:4)

In our new apostolic congregations, we should have a Jewish heritage ministry to minister to Jews and Messianic Jewish believers, and to teach the Gentile believers. –(Heb. 11)

The church in the home needs to be reestablish, the new apostolic congregation is a network of home churches, and the new apostolic congregations are a network of the new apostolic city church. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Rom. 16:5)

We need to learn to celebrate the Sabbath and the Feats of the Lord in our homes, for it’s a time of family love in the Lord, more then celebrating of congregational meetings. I believe that the Sabbath and the Feats of the Lord are more for our homes then for the congregation. –(Eph. 5:22-33, 6:1-4)

In the beginning of the Church, in the Book of Acts, the reason they found home church leaders, is that the Jewish man led their home spiritual, they were spiritual leaders of their home, this made it easy to apply to the church in the home, out of the Jewish homes of celebrating the Sabbath and the Feats of the Lord, came the church in the home, came the church life, and came home church leaders. One of the elements of Hebraic Culture is their attitude and emphasis toward the home life. This is where the church life came from, it came from the Sabbath and the Feasts of the Lord in the home life, and the restoration of the Sabbath and the Feasts of the Lord means to us and adds to the restoration of true church life and the restoration of family life, the restoration of home life. –(Deut. 6:1-9)

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