Thursday, May 01, 2008

Commissioning Modern-Day Apostles

Commissioning Modern-Day Apostles

Elvis Iverson

Apostles and prophets are pioneers and forerunners, apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church, and apostles and prophets shall lead the church no longer shall pastors and bishops lead the church, and apostles, prophets and teachers are elders of the new apostolic congregation. –(Eph. 2:20, 1 Cor. 12:28)

In addition, there are apostles and prophets that are called to go before other apostles and prophets, these apostles and prophets are called to prepare the way for other apostles and prophets, these apostles and prophets are raise up by the Lord, are train by the Holy Spirit over long periods of time. Things that are new and that is visionary takes years to rise up, and cannot be mentor or father by others, it takes the Lord to rise up such leaders. –(1 Cor. 3:10)

Notwithstanding, then there are apostles and prophets that train, mentor and father by other apostles and prophets, this only takes a short time, a few years, at least two years, or three at the most. The Lord is raising apostles of apostles, and prophets of prophets, and apostles of prophets and apostles, He is rising up fathers with a heart of a father, there are those who say there are a father but without a heart of a father, all this is done with liberty, grace, and wisdom. –(Acts 9:27)

Apart from that, the Lord is arising up new ecclesiastical apostolic networks, and new apostolic congregations; we are have fathering and mentoring centers for those called into government ministry, and we are to have equipping and training centers for the believers to be raise up in the work of the ministry, and we are to raise up kings for the Kingdom of God. A new apostolic congregation is a network of home cells, and the center building is not use for pastoral ministry, instead for training, equipping, and fathering, mentoring and apostolic and prophetic ministry along with teachers. Pastoral ministry is done in the home cells along with mutual edification and the one another’s come into grace application. –(Acts 2:46)

Moreover, we are to pray for apostles to be raise up, we are to rise up young apostles, we are to love and care for those who shall be fathers of the church. As fathering apostles father other apostles into ministry, and to release them into ministry will follow this kind of pattern. –(Matt. 9:37-38)

First is ordination: we are to ordain those called into the five ministries of the grace of our Lord; this also applies to young apostles that are ready to be release into government ministry.

Second is recognition: recognition will come from the congregations that follow the anointing of a young apostle; they will sense the anointing and grace of an apostle upon a young apostle. They will become the seal of his apostleship. Don’t call yourself an apostle until the church calls you an apostle.

Third is affirmation: affirmation comes from government ministry, from other apostles, from other prophets, and from other teachers. Don’t call yourselves an apostle until other season apostles and prophets call you an apostle.

Fourth is commissioning: apostles after they walk for a certain amount of years showing proof of their apostleship in fruits, gifts, anointing, works, signs, and those who are with them. Apostles are the only ministries in the church that is commission. An apostle should be commission by a season or mature apostle, and that commissioning is not the advice of the apostle being commission, it is the wisdom of the apostle who is lead to do the commissioning. An apostle should be commission in their own sphere of ministry, etc. –(LK. 6:13, Num. 27:18-20, Deut. 3:27,28, Deut. 31:14, Acts 13:1,2, 2 Tim. 4:1-5)

Apart from that, the elders of a new apostolic congregation are plural, with a set visionary, senior elder leading the plural of elders. An elder is a mature minister of the Gospel. Elders are appoint by apostles, but there are those who have just enter into ministry, and they are young, they are apart of the ministry of a new apostolic congregation, and they will come into a leadership role, but eldership is for the mature minister. –(1 Tim. 3:1-13, Tit. 1:5-9, Acts 14:23)

Apart from that, what we see now are apostles who prepare the way for the next waves of apostles, these apostles now are rising up other apostles, but soon apostles that we have not heard of, shall arise in signs and wonders. –(2 Cor. 12:12)

Nevertheless, apostles are first in the order of church government, and first in leading the way for others to follow, we need apostles, and apostles need us, if we come into relationship, fellowship, and partnership with an apostle. We can be apart of their vision that the Lord gives them for the church, and even the world. –(Phil. 1:7,19, 4:2-3,4:10-20)

Furthermore, apostles are here to stay, Jesus was the first person to coin the title of the apostle, He was the one who created the ministry of the apostle, it is not just for the early church, it is for today, tomorrow, etc. –(Eph. 4:11-16)

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