Angel of Awakening Coming to a City near you
Elvis Iverson
August 3, 2008
The angel of awakening, the awakening angel is coming to Omaha Nebraska USA, this is just the beginning, for the Lord will send the awakening angel to other cities and other nations, for this is the will of the Father. The Lord will send working angels ahead of the awakening angel, to prepare and build a dwelling place for the Lord of revival.
The first harvest is beginning, this is the first harvest for America in this holy new day, however there will be a second harvest that will bring in massive numbers, almost tuning the whole nation to God. What the Lord is doing in America is an example what He will do in many nations.
The fear of the Lord will come upon America, and spread across America, America will fill with great fear of the Lord. This will be a sign of many good things to come.
The Lord will fill America with the signs of the apostles, and the Lord will fill America with signs and wonders, this is a signs and wonders outpouring.
The Lord in His grace and Wisdom, by the Holy Spirit rising up new wineskins, and now the wine of revival will begin to pour and fill the new wineskins.
The Lord will heal this generation; He will give restoration and healing to all generation, in this generation of mercy. He will heal the church in America, He will heal America, and He will heal the cities of America.
The awakening time has come, the awakening revival has begun, and the Spirit of Awakening will sweep and spread across America, and cities and nations around the world.
Many souls will be saved in these few years, and the new wineskins shall arise in many cities and become full and overflowing with new wines, and the new wine of revival. However the second harvest will be greater, massive numbers, huge masses, and great numbers will be won.
I see a vision of an overflow cup of wine, this is the new wine of awakening, this is the awakening wine, it is now time to drink of the awakening wine, it is now time for each on of us to drink of the awakening wine, it is time to pour this wine upon the church.
Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: America, Angelic Encounters, Angelic Messengers, Elvis Iverson, Lakeland FL, Lakeland Revival, prophecy, prophetic, revival, Supplication International Ministries, visions and dreams
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