Friday, September 05, 2008

An Angel to the 50 Nations

An Angel to the 50 Nations

Elvis Iverson
July 4, 2008

In a prophetic vision I see a map of the earth and I see 50 nations where believers go through persecution most server. I see a vision of an angel come before me, he brings an open book before me, I then see others come behind me, and the angel said break in parts and eat all of them. Then he give us new wine to drink, and each of us drink of this new wine, then he pour running oil upon us.

Then see a vision of a key, the angel said this is the key of freedom; I will open the gates and doors of these nations. Then the key grows wings and fly toward these nations. The angel said this is the move of God, a move of freedom.

Now I see a bowl of wine overflowing before us, the angel said this is coming judgments and shakings upon these evil governments, there time has now come, and now they will be force to change.

Now I see Lampstands of darkness in these 50 nations, they begun to fall one by one, the angel says the Lord will bring an end to the Lampstands of darkness that has persecuted the church.

Now I see a huge campfire before us, and the fires from this campfire came out and touch the church in each of these nations. The angel said this is revival coming to these nations.

Now I see a vision of a horn arising in each of these nations, this Horn had anointing flowing upon it, and this Horn is a Trumpet of the Kingdom. The angel said the Kingdom of God would increase in these nations.

Now I see a huge net in each of these nations, a net that grows and a fish net that cannot be broken instead increases and grows. The angel said this is the church arising in the freedom of the Lord and the liberty of the Spirit.

Now I see America and other nations open wide to revival, and these nations grow and increase in wealth, favor, and blessings, then a missionary revival flows into the 50 nations, and nations around the world, and healing of the nations begin.

Then I ask this angel when will all this begin, he then said it has already begun; it is a work in progress. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. This angel said this over and over has he gone his way unto the will of the Lord.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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