Friday, August 22, 2008

The Revelation of Perfect Faith

The Revelation of Perfect Faith

Clara Iverson

Not many have the revelation of perfect faith. Perfect faith is God kind of faith. It is mountain-moving faith. If you have perfect faith, your prayer will be answered instantly. Not many can move mountains. Only those who grasp the revelation of perfect faith.

All these time, God is doing a WORK in you. He is removing all the doubt and unbelief and He is filling those areas with perfect faith. You thought you have faith and you thought you are praying with faith. Actually, you are praying with little faith or imperfect faith. You can scream or yell and act like you are full of faith. But, God is omniscient and He can tell whether you received the revelation of perfect faith yet or not.

The symptoms of imperfect faith are as follows. Sometimes you feel sad or self-pity or think that God does not love you. Or you think you are not worthy for a miracle. Or you do not think good things can come to you. Or one moment you are standing on the promise, another moment you are double-minded and start to doubt God and second-guess yourself. Or you are inconsistent---One moment you decide to trust God wholeheartedly and another second you give up and never accomplish your goal.

The signs of perfect faith are as follows. Your mind is full of hope and your heart swells with joy, REGARDLESS OF THE MANIFECTATION OF THE PROMISE. Even if you pray today and nothing happens, you will not doubt the very promise God has given you. You will act like God love you and He is for you. You will act like you are precious and worthy of good things coming to you. You will not get jealous when someone have something you do not have yet. Because you trust in your God with all your heart. This kind of faith is well pleasing unto God. If you walk in this kind of perfect faith, any minute your promise will come to pass. In any second, that mountain will explode out of your way.

The Bible said we walk by faith, NOT BY SIGNT. Holy Spirit is doing this work in us in which we will no longer be bothered by what you see, hear or feel temporarily. Someone can say something negative to you and you will remain solid, stable, and unshakable. You stand on the promise and know deeply in your spirit, in any second the promise will manifest. When you walk in this realm which transcends physical limitation, ALL THINGS BECOME POSSIBLE. That is why Sarah could conceive at the age of 90. When the natural cannot do it, God can do the supernatural.

The Bible said very clearly without faith, we cannot please God. I do not deny the cases in which miracles happen out of God’s sovereign will, regardless of the level of faith you have. But we must admit the fact that God DOES respond to perfect faith. Jesus could not do many miracles because of their unbelief. Jesus one time shut the door from people of unbelief and only allowed his beloved disciples to stay in the room, so the room was filled with faith only, before he performed any miracles. The lady’s touch was a touch of perfect faith and instantly power came from Jesus body and healed her bleeding condition.

Every one of us received certain promises of God. Some people received their promises earlier. Why? They had the revelation of perfect faith and they MIXED THEIR PROMISES WITH FAITH. Of course, God may allow a waiting process. Despite the waiting process, some still receive the promises faster than others do, because they mix their promises with faith. Their hearts and minds are perfectly stable and their eyes fix on the promises with undivided attention. God is well pleased and the promises must come to pass. That is the principle throughout the whole bible—of how faith unlocks the promises of God. Enoch could walk in such perfect faith and pleased God to such an extent that God had to take him away without tasting death. We all have the same nature like Elijah. If the patriarchs could please God like that, we can also be one of those faith giants in the hall of faith.

Let us pray for the Spirit of revelation to open our hearts and understand the revelation of PERFECT FAITH.

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