Wednesday, November 12, 2008

City of Revival

City of Revival

Elvis Iverson
May 10, 2008

I see in a vision of a city with clouds of glory and clouds of revival hovering over day and night. I see four gates entering into this city; the gates are named after the winds of the Holy Spirit. I enter into this city name revival, through the east gate of the wind of the Holy Spirit.

I see a wine house on the right side of the street. I enter into the wine house. An angel says this is the Wine of the Holy Spirit, this is the wine of the Glory of the Lord, and this is the restoration of the Wine of the Holy Spirit.

In addition, I walk upon the street of the city named revival, and came upon a river flowing throughout this city, and from this city flow to cities and nations around the world. An angel came by and said this is the Water of the Holy Spirit; this is the Water of the Glory of the Lord, and this is the restoration of the Water of the Holy Spirit.

Moreover, I came to a camp ground where there is a great camp meeting going on, and I could see a great camp fire burning in the center of there meetings. An angel came by and said this is the fire of the Holy Spirit, this is the fire of the glory of the Lord, and this is the restoration of the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Besides, I now see a place in the city of revival where the four winds of the Holy Spirit gather, an angel walked up to me and said this is the Wind of the Holy Spirit, this is the Wind of the Glory of the Lord, and this is the restoration of the Wind of the Holy spirit.

Now I came to a Olive Oil house, I enter into this house, and an angel meet me there and said this is the Oil of the Holy Spirit, this is Oil of the glory of the Lord, and this is the restoration of the Oil of the Holy Spirit.

Apart from that I saw pillars of Fire and Pillars of Clouds throughout the City of Revival, and then I seen new apostolic congregations throughout the city of revival. Then I came to the center of the city of revival, and I found The New Apostolic City Church, and I could see the resting revival and resting glory of the Lord hovering and resting upon the New Apostolic City Church center of the New Apostolic City Church in the City Church!

However, an angel was standing next to me, he said this city is the new wineskin of revival. Yes there are other wineskins of revival; this is a better wineskin of revival, the best is the mature city church, that is the future, we are in the now, revival is now and in your generation and time. This is a better wineskin of revival today.

Furthermore, this is the city that shall arise in many cities or maybe all cities, the will of Christ is for all cities to have revival, and revival will come to all cities and to all nations, and the church will be filled with revivals.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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