Friday, November 07, 2008

Approved by God

Approved by God

Clara Iverson

Do not get startled when you are tested again! If Peter was tested and Abraham was tried, we will surely be put through fire. It is vital that we realize this: We will always be tested right after a significant victory, such as a powerful healing or right before the manifestation of a long-waited promise. If we will be ready of this kind of patterns, the possibility to overcome the next temptation will be higher.

Please also notice that God did not tempt us. Satan is the one who tempts you. God allows those temptations to come to check our heart conditions. It seems like the demonic cohorts in hell somehow can find out God’s divine time clock on us. It is like satan knows the best moment to push your button. If you are still on chapter one, he will leave you alone, but only temporarily. Wait until you are on the chapter when you are about to usher in your destiny, he will surely show up and give you a surprise. You thought you would not betray Jesus. Wait until the onset of extreme fiery trial, when everyone ran away from Jesus and even a stranger’s careless words at the fireplace could entice Peter to disown Jesus.

God is constantly checking our hearts to see if we are WORTHY of the upward call of God. He wants to make sure we bear fruits of repentance worthy of the high calling. He cannot give us pearls lightly. Only those who possess the holy fear of God can be entrusted with great power and significant responsibility. He needs to be certain there are “no part dark” in us any more. No more baggage, bitterness, unforgiveness or unsettled issues remain in us. That is why once a while, He will give you a similar situation to see how you react. If you have truly settled things in the past and have totally forgiven those who had hurt you harshly, you will respond with grace, mercy, and love to your PRESENT SITUATION.

If this majestic God evokes complete awe on us, we will absolutely guard our hearts from offence. Offence is the most common form of tests God allows to come to our ways. Most people lose their healing right away when someone offend them on their way out of the healing avenues. The devil is good at stealing your victory. Get ready and be prepared to lay down your life for Jesus. We must protect our victory and healing. Abide in love and be quick to forgive. Overcome all accusations by the power of Jesus’ love. Do not try to defend yourself. Sometimes the adversary is probably right. Let Jesus be your advocate. Christ IS making intercession for you day and night. Stand still and you will see the salvation of the Lord. Once again I repeat, we must guard our victory from offence.

In times of tests, we cannot succumb to the voice of the flesh. Obey your heart where the Holy Spirit resides. There is just a fine line to choose between right and wrong. We can act impulsively, pamper our flesh uncontrollably or we can put to death the deeds of the flesh, by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit from within. We do not have to lose our destiny like Moses did. We should be able to supersede Moses’ mistake and possess or victory. The bible is for application, not for listening only. We must DO the word, apply the word to every situation and every test. We must show our God that we are indeed worthy of that healing, deliverance, precious promises and the high callings He had predestined us to walk in them.

Choose this day whom you will serve. Choose this day which Bible characters you want to be. Do you want to be like Moses who made a mistake at Kadesh and lost his destiny? Or do you prefer to be Caleb who obeyed God’s voice all the way till the end? Let us imitate Joseph who said “NO” to fleshy temptations. Let our hearts be steadfast, never sway, no matter how much heat this fire intensifies. In the end, God will accredit us as we achieve our stunning victory.

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