Friday, October 17, 2008

Shepherding Ministries

Shepherding Ministries

Elvis Iverson

The New Apostolic revelational structure is a structure of freedom and anointing, beginning with the apostles and prophets as the foundation, then upon that foundation comes the apostles, prophets, and teachers, then upon that layer is the plurality of elders, upon that layer is the five-fold equipping ministry, then upon that layer is the pastoral ministry and the home church, and upon that layer is the priestly ministry of all believers, the every day believer, and upon that layer is the workplace church and workplace minister, the kingly ministry of all believers, and at last the Capstone and Chief Cornerstone, Chief Apostle and the Head of the Church. –(1 Pet. 2:4-10)

The New Ecclesiastical Wineskin an environment of freedom and liberty for the building of relationships and fellowshipping, equipping, spirituiral growth and spirituiral maturity, and the gifts of the Spirit and spirituiral gifts, and revivals, harvests, and the Holy Spirit. –(1 Cor. 14:26-33)

The Five-Fold Ministry is called to equipped the believers for the work of the ministry; this is their main purpose, they are not called to do the work of the ministry, instead the believers are called to do the work of the ministry, and the Five-Fold Ministry is called to equipped the saints for the work of the Ministry. –(Eph. 4:7-12)

The Five-Fold Ministry is called only to do 2% percent of the work of the ministry, and the believers are called to do 98% percent of the work of the Ministry, and the Five-Fold Ministry is called to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. They equip 98% percent of their calling, and the believer gives only 2% percent to support and ministry of the congregation, and 98% percent of the ministry of the believer is to minister outside of the four walls ministering in the workplace. The Church is only 2% Percent of the activity of the beilevers and the Kingdom is 98% percent of their activity. –(Eph. 4:12)

The Five-Fold ministry is the shepherding ministries of the church, it is not a one-man foundation to shepherd the flocks of God, or even a congregation, and instead it is all the five-fold ministers that have the functions of shepherding. –(Acts 20:28)

The three main functions of the Five-Fold Ministry is the shepherding the congregation, equipping the saints, and to do the work of the ministry. –(Acts 20:28,Eph. 4:11-12,Matt. 28:19-20)

Apart from that, the pastoral ministry is in the church in the home, a congregation is a network of home churches, with a equipping center. The pastor’s place is in the home church, all the pastoral work and pastoral care is done within the home church. –(Rom. 16:5)

The presbytery is a plurality of elders; this is the leadership of the church, the plurality of elders is the center leadership of the congregation, with a senior elder leading with them. The leading elders are apostles, prophets, and teachers, for the apostle is first, prophet is second, and the teacher is third in the order of church government and the plurality of elders. The leading senior elder should be the founding apostle, if there is no leading apostle, it could be a prophet, or a teacher, or another apostle. However, the senior elder should be an apostle. Elders are mature ministers of the five-fold ministry. –(Tit. 1:5-9)

The qualifications of elders are: sound character, seasoned minister, and faithful, committed, sound doctrine, able to teach, a love and care for the people, a person of freedom and liberty, recognize by the church and congregation and affirmation from seasoned apostles, a person who can walk in unity and agreement, and have the same heart for ministry. –(1 Tim. 3:1-13)

It is apostles who ordained ministers, and appoints elders, and it is a seasoned apostle or mature apostle who commission other apostles. –(Acts 14:23)

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